Mar 19, 2011 00:03
Also, apparently at some point over the past three days, our ISP (Sympatico) has changed its email settings in some obscure way, so that it is no longer possible to send non-Sympatico email through their SMTP server. For several years now both Julia and I have used email accounts, but rather than webmail (which I dislike on principle) we use Thunderbird to receive and send mail from home. But apparently now there is no way to do this readily, or rather, we can set up a system so that the emails will show as being from our Sympatico accounts "on behalf of" our accounts, which defeats the purpose of using the latter account at all. If we wanted to use Sympatico email, we'd be using it. Grrr. I suppose there is some sort of security-related rationale for this change, and there may even be a workaround (other than just using the annoying webmail), but after nearly a decade of the same ISP (through three moves, from Montreal to Toronto to Montreal to Windsor) you would think they would at least let us know they were changing our service to prevent us from doing what we have harmlessly being doing for years.