
Dec 31, 2010 21:56


01. Cruel Intentions (03.01.10) ★★★★★
I actually loved this. It's one of those movies that you're like "wow, I reeeeeally shouldn't be enjoying this as much as I am, BUT I CAN'T HELP IT."
02. The Lovely Bones (04.01.10) ★★★☆☆
This was pretty great, although a lot got chopped from the book, but I swear if they had one more flashback to that scene of her taking the photos I was going to punch something. That was so annoying!
03. The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2 (19.01.10) ★★★☆☆
I put off watching this for as long as I could. These books meant so much to me and I wasn't sure about them combining three books into one movie. However, it flowed pretty well, it just wasn't particularly engrossing. I cannot get over the casting for these movies, though. Absolute perfection.
04. Friday the 13th (21.01.10) ★☆☆☆☆
This actually had no storyline whatsoever! It was basically a collection of death scenes with no purpose to them at all. (Although some of them were really disgusting.) Also the sex scenes were really uncomfortable.
05. Darkness Falls (21.01.10) ★☆☆☆☆
This had a storyline, but it was so ridiculously lame. This was in the 'so bad it's funny' category though, so it was pretty amusing at points. Also Emma Caulfield is pretty great and I love her. Her talking about the movie is actually better than the movie itself.
06. An Education (08.02.10) ★★★★☆
This was so good. You knew exactly where the relationship was going to end up, but at the same time it was still totally surprising and shocking. It's an absolutely beautifully shot movie, and Carey Mulligan really carried the whole thing on her shoulders. She was astounding. Also, Nick Hornby, I love you.
07. District 9 (10.02.10) ★★★☆☆
The beginning of this was so weird, but by the end all I cared about was Christopher and his (forking) son surviving. Oh my god they were so precious. The racial inequality metaphor was quite well done, too. BUT JFC THERE WERE SOME SERIOUSLY DISGUSTING MOMENTS IN THIS FILM.
08. Zombieland (10.02.10) ★★★☆☆
This was simultaneously gross and hilarious. Some of the one-liners were so funny!
09. The Virgin Suicides (12.02.10) ★★★★☆
This was actually waaaay better than I was expecting. Beautifully shot, perfect soundtrack (the repetition of "Playground Love" was MY FAVOURITE THING) and it was a really loyal adaptation of the book. There were some really beautiful segments in this.
10. Reality Bites (12.02.10) ★★★★★
THIS IS THE MOVIE I'VE BEEN WAITING TO WATCH ALL YEAR. This was just perfection. I don't even know where to start. The characters, the way it was filmed and presented, the song choices (goosebumps in real life at "All I Want Is You", oh my god), everything. Loved it so much.
11. Clueless (15.02.10) ★★★☆☆
This was kind of all over the place, but also really delightful! The main character was charming.
12. These Girls (18.02.10) ★★☆☆☆
I love Caroline Dhavernas, I love a mostly naked David Boreanaz, and the song choices in this movie were surprisingly good ("Combat Baby" and "Walking with a Ghost" were both used!) but this storyline was totally ridiculous and super creepy. DBor's character was a total douche (and had bad hair.) The parts where he was shirtless were the best parts.
13. Whip It! (24.02.10) ★★★☆☆
I hate that Ellen Page is the go-to girl for movies like this, and the storyline was fairly predictable/formulaic, but it was still enjoyable, and the overall theme was pretty excellent.
14. Say Anything... (24.02.10) ★★★☆☆
This was kind of a cheesy 80s movie, but I love all John Cusack movies, period. Also it delights me how often Joan Cusack is in movies with John. I LOVE THEM BOTH.
15. The Reader (26.02.10) ★★★☆☆
My love for Kate Winslet is intense, and she was absolutely amazing in this. But I took issue with the fact that the movie seemed sympathetic to her character.
16. Shutter Island (04.03.10) ★★★★☆
I kind of guessed what the ~plot twist~ would be before I saw it, but it was executed so so well. It was beautifully done, I honestly spent the whole movie on the edge of my seat, desperate to know what was going on.
17. It's Complicated (22.03.10) ★★★★☆
This was so much better than the previews made it look! It was absolutely hilarious at points (lol forever at stoned Meryl Streep) but also really poignant in the end.
18. Chance (26.03.10) ★★☆☆☆
AMBER BENSON AND JAMES MARSTERS, I LOVE YOUR CHARMING FACES. I LOVE BUFFYVERSE SO MUCH. Omg the fact that all these people agreed to be in Amber's movie delighted me a ridiculous amount. But honestly the movie was super weird, even though a) James in a dress was hilarious and b) I enjoy watching him make out with all the girls of Buffy.
19. Veronika Decides to Die (29.04.10) ★★☆☆☆
I watched this because I think Sarah Michelle Gellar is super talented, but this was ... so terrible. All it focused on was ~indie cinematography, and the storyline literally made no sense whatsoever. I kept thinking I'd missed something. I think the bit that did it in for me was when she stripped naked and got herself off in front of a mute stranger, and then everyone was like "omg that was a ~spiritual experience~ for you". In what universe?
20. Trainspotting (06.05.10) ★★★☆☆
I've said this before, but drug movies scare the shit out of me, and this was no exception. It was filmed so well, though, especially the scenes where he overdosed and the one where he was trying to quit cold turkey. But yeah, I did not particularly enjoy watching it. ILU EWAN THOUGH ♥
21. A Single Man (13.05.10) ★★★☆☆
Okay this movie was super gorgeous, and Colin Firth is god, but ... sometimes I think movies go too far in the ~indie just to be indie~ direction. Also the storyline wasn't particularly engaging.
22. Jerry Maguire (17.05.10) ★★★☆☆
This had some really honest, lovely moments in it, which were shortly followed by waaaaay too over-the-top and dramatic moments. Also Tom Cruise scares the living shit out of me. But I looooooooove Bonnie Hunt, and the child in this was literally the cutest kid I have ever seen in my entire life.
23. Leap Year (18.05.10) ★★★☆☆
This movie was filmed in Ireland! Which is an automatic star. Another star is from the dream casting, I love Amy Adams and Matthew Goode so much! They had great chemistry, too. And the third star comes from indulging EVERY SINGLE ROMANTIC COMEDY CLICHE, I EAT THAT UP. Having to share a bed and waking up spooning? It literally never gets old! But yeah, as for being a quality movie, not so much. It was still easy and fun to watch though!
24. I Love You Man (13.06.10) ★★★★★
I feel kind of weird giving a movie like this five stars but I just enjoyed it so much and there really isn't anything I can criticise. Peter and Zooey were such a great couple, and the bromance between Peter and Sydney was fucking epic. I'd never really thought about guy friendships before either. It was great.
25. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (14.06.10) ★★★★☆
ILU JASON SEGEL, Russell Brand was hilarious, and I enjoyed it when Jason called Kristen Bell the devil. Also hey Segel penis ... five times. Lolol. This was my favourite part.
26. Get Him To The Greek (24.06.10) ★★★☆☆
HA how funny that I saw this right after Forgetting Sarah Marshall, that was not intentional. Aldous Snow is a great character and I was absolutely crying with laughter at The Jeffrey/adrenaline scene, but man there was some totally random points and shit that threesome scene was the most awkward thing ever. It would have been better if it had some Segel in it.
27. Harold and Kumar go to White Castle (28.06.10) ★★☆☆☆
This was totally fucking random, but hey NPH, love you.
28. Not Another Gay Movie (28.06.10) ☆☆☆☆☆
29. Milk (29.06.10) ★★★★★
Oh my god. This was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Tears all down my face.
30. Timer (03.07.10) ★★★★★
I HAVE BEEN WAITING TO WATCH THIS FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS AND IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT, NOT AT ALL. The whole concept of the movie was fascinating and brought up so many questions about technology and how much is too much in ruling peoples lives. I was literally crying for the last 30 minutes, especially when she says to her best friend "you were my one before any of these boys came along" because god that illustrates the importance of friendship so well. It was so charming and delightful and you never knew quite which direction the storyline was going to go in. LOVE.
31. The Man in the Attic (09.07.10) ☆☆☆☆☆
THE THINGS I DO FOR YOU, NPH, I WATCH MOVIES WHERE YOU ARE A BABBY IN THE CREEPIEST RELATIONSHIP FILLED WITH INCESTUOUS UNDERTONES. I don't understand though how the storyline was a) so bizarre and b) so full of sex yet still managed to be THE MOST BORING THING OF ALL TIME.
32. Sense and Sensibilty (20.07.10) ★★★★★
THIS WAS FANTASTIC. God the tone of the film was so amazing, those quiet awkward moments worked absolutely perfectly. Also the cast! I love how at any moment there was like 5 people who had been in Harry Potter at some point. My favourite part was when Elinor found out Edward wasn't married and started sobbing, and Marianne, Margaret and Mrs. Dashwood make the speediest exit of all time out of the room, hilarious! The humour of the movie was pitch perfect.
33. Inception (22.07.10) ★★★★★
This kind of film is my perfect kind of film, I love being thrown into a new world and having no idea what's happening initially. Dream cast, most amazing special effects I've ever seen ... fantastic movie. Can't wait to rewatch.
34. The Graduate (02.08.10) ★★★★☆
SIMON AND GARFUNKEL SOUNDTRACK. Jesus christ best music in a film ever. Also this movie was super creative with it's filming/camera angles/etc, which was done well for the most part, but at times I'd realise I hadn't even looked at the screen in five minutes because the shot was totally dark. But anyway, excluding that, this was enjoyable. I did not expect the second half of the movie at all.
35. The Departed (13.08.10) ★★★★☆
THIS WAS AWESOME, although depressing. God I love Dicap and Matt Damon.
36. American Psycho (13.08.10) ★★★★☆
It's wrong that this movie was kind of funny, right? I mean it was totally creepy as well, plus it had kind of an interesting social commentary ("I'm into murders and executions." "Oh, mergers and acquisitions?") but yeah, lol.
37. Serenity (22.08.10) ★★★★★
Perfect round up to the series and great movie without even taking the series into consideration. Loved it!
38. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (30.08.10) ★★★★★
This was the most hilarious, random movie ever.
39. Nine (31.08.10) (02.08.10) ★☆☆☆☆
ACTUALLY SO DISAPPOINTED, I LOVED THE WHOLE CAST SO MUCH, but what the actual fuck was this movie even about? I stopped paying attention half way through and just watched the musical numbers. One star for Nicole Kidman and Marion Cottilard being the amazing talented goddesses they are (~NK STAN FOR LYF~).
40. Vampires Suck (03.08.10) ★★☆☆☆
This was objectively terrible, but definitely laugh out loud funny at points. Also I just really enjoy things that make fun of Twilight.
41. Julie & Julia (05.08.10) ★★★★☆
This was awesome and really inspiring and funny. Also I loved everyone in the cast! How cute that Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci were in another movie together.
42. Kinsey (14.08.10) ★★★☆☆
THE FIRST TIME SCENE. THE FIRST TIME SCENE. I COULD CRY JUST THINKING ABOUT IT, I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO ERASE THAT FROM MY BRAIN. Apart from that, it was pretty interesting, but it dragged on at parts, and wow there was a lot of awkward partner-swapping stuff in this movie.
43. Easy A (21.09.10) ★★★★★
This movie was incredibly intelligent and witty, ridiculously funny, yet very emotionally resonant. Seriously loved every second of it. The references to the 80s rom-coms was superb.
44. Up In The Air (05.10.10) ★★★★★
Best movie I've watched all year. I loved it so much, I was literally on the verge of tears through the whole thing (if I wasn't actually crying, which I did a lot.) It's one of those movies where every scene and cut is exquisite and it goes for the perfect length of time and oh my god, how was every scene so emotionally resonant, I am lost for words.
45. The Young Victoria (06.10.10) ★★★★★
Couldn't stop crying in this movie either, it was wonderful from beginning to end. I loved the pacing of it so much, and Emily and Rupert were fucking exquisite, this scene! And the scene where she hugs him from behind and presses her face into his neck, what a perfect moment. As was the repetition of this scene, hearts in my eyeeeeees.
46. Almost Famous (06.10.10) ★★★☆☆
Didn't love it anywhere near as much as I was expecting to, but it was still pretty enjoyable. I loved the Penny Lane quote "Never take it seriously, you never get hurt. Never get hurt, you can always have fun. And if you ever get lonely, you just go to the record store and visit all your friends." Also wouldn't it be amazing if fights with your friends could be fixed by singing Tiny Dancer on a bus?
47. Secretary (17.10.10) ★★★★☆
It made S&M seem sweet.


01. True Blood Season 1 (20.01.10 - 26.01.10) ★★★☆☆
This season was so cracky! I did enjoy it, but I wasn't super engrossed/invested in it.
02. True Blood Season 2 (11.02.10 - 15.02.10) ★★★★☆
ONLY THOUGHTS I HAVE. No okay really, the finale was kind of bad and ew Beel/Sookie, but ERIC NORTHMAAAAAAAAAAAAN EXISTS MOTHERFUCKING FIERCE BITCH OF HOTNESS. And the whole cast (excluding Stephen Moyer sry2say) are extremely fine specimens. THIS IS A HOTASS CAST.
03. 10 Things I Hate About You Season 1 (22.02.10 - 24.02.10) ★★★☆☆
This was strangely addicting and exactly what I felt like watching at the time. The movie is one of my all-time favourites so I will always be comparing them, but some of the characters were majorly improved (JOEY DONNER, WHAT). I like the new Kat too, and both Kat/Patrick and Bianca/Joey were charming. Dana Davis is faaaaab, too. AND THE FACT THAT THE DAD IS THE SAME IS DELIGHTFUL. But blah, Cameron and Michael are really horrible and there's some faily plots. The second half of the season was REALLY REALLY GREAT though and there were some really emotionally resonant episodes. I think it's a good thing it got cancelled though because it sounded like it was going in a direction I did not want (ie, Cameron/Bianca) for season two.
04. Friday Night Lights Season 1 (16.02.10 - 02.03.10) ★★★★★
I don't even know what to say. It was perfect in every single way it possibly could be. It just strikes the perfect emotional chords every episode, it's astounding. It almost doesn't feel like television, it's just so real with what it portrays. Also, it's gorgeous. I am completely 100% in love.
05. Friday Night Lights Season 2 (03.03.10 - 08.03.10) ★★★★☆
The murder plot felt so out of place, which was great because that was the stuff that was forced on the writers by the network. I really loved Tyra/Landry this season!
06. Queer As Folk Season 4 (18.03.10 + 23.03.10) ★★★★☆
ninatron is absolutely in love with this show, so she put this on when I was over, and oh my god. I had no expectations at all but it was just filled with elements in shows that I love. Found families! Adorable bff relationships between characters! Fantastic ships! Emotional, relevant, realistic storylines! Also I loved every character so much, excluding Ted. Brian and Justin and Emmett and Deb! ♥ Also the opening credits are the most darling thing ever.
07. Queer As Folk Season 2 (29.03.10 - 30.03.10) ★★★★★
08. Queer As Folk Season 3 (31.03.10 - 03.04.10) ★★★★★
THIS SHOW IS SO GREAT. There’s some super clichéd storylines that you can predict a mile off, and plenty of gratuitous man-on-man sex scenes, but the main storyline is this group of people that have their own struggles, yet they're all there for each other, they are each others family. ALSO THEM OVERTHROWING THE ~EVIL POLITICIAN~ WAS SO WONDERFUL I CAN'T EVEN. Although I wish Ted was dead, HATE HIM SO MUCH.
09. Angel Season 1 (23.03.10 - 19.04.10) ★★★★☆
I REALLY LIKED THIS, I don't think it's quite reached it's peak at this stage but it was really great. I love how it tied in with Buffy and wasn't hesitant about referencing it but was mostly it's own thing. I love the Cordelia/Angel/Wesley unit so much (I loved Doyle too!) BEST LINES: "Are you family?" "Yes." Also "don't be embarrassed, we're family!" EVERY SHOW LATELY HAS FOUND FAMILIES, I LOVE IT. Also thiiiiis, oh my goodness what a perfect moment.
10. Bones Season 5 (17.09.09 - 21.05.10) ★★★★★
Favourite season of television ever? For pure, unadulterated delightfulness, absolutely.
11. How I Met Your Mother Season 1 (17.05.10 - 23.05.10) ★★★★★
This is a pretty perfect comedy series. I love everyone so much (ESPECIALLY ROBIN, DEAR LORD SHE IS WONDERFUL), it's absolutely hilarious, but there's so much heart to it too. Also Marshall/Lily are so cute I can hardly stand it! And slutty Barney is most excellent.
12. How I Met Your Mother Season 2 (23.05.10 - 27.05.10) ★★★★★

13. How I Met Your Mother Season 3 (27.05.10 - 28.05.10) ★★★★★
This season definitely had a change in tone from the previous two seasons, but I loved basically all the episodes and THE BARNMAN LOVES ROBIN AND I LOVE THEM, MY LOVE FOR THEM HIT ME FROM NOWHERE AND OHMYGOD THEY ARE SO DELIGHTFUL!
14. How I Met Your Mother Season 4 (29.05.10 - 30.05.10) ★★★★★
This was a little hit and miss, but I still loved most of the episodes. Also also also! I love themmmmmm.
15. Chuck Season 3 (12.01.10 - 03.06.10) ★★☆☆☆
I can't even pinpoint exactly what it was about it, but I did not like this season at all. The first two episodes I despised beyond words, I hated the Shaw storyline, and I was disappointed they took such a cliched ~love triangle~ plot direction. Then I found the second half of the season lacklustre, and even if Chuck/Sarah were adorable I wasn't really into them like I used to be. Hated the Ellie storyline, predicted the ~cliffhanger~ two episodes before it happened, and by the end I could only stand Sarah, Awesome and Morgan (the latter was a surprise to me too!)
16. Community Season 1 (17.06.10 - 04.07.10) ★★★★☆
BASICALLY I JUST WANT TO SAY BRITTA IS MAGNIFICIENT AND ABED IS ONE OF THE MOST DELIGHTFUL CHARACTERS I'VE HAD THE PLEASURE OF WATCHING. Also god this show is fucking hilarious, especially 1x14 onwards, and Modern Warfare exists!!!
17. Friday Night Lights Season 3 (08.03.10 - 06.07.10) ★★★★★
This show is perfect and everything I could ever want to see on television. No words could ever describe how much this show has come to mean to me. I actually had to have a break mid season because it was just too much for my heart to handle.
18. Fringe Season 1 (20.06.10 - 11.07.10) ★★★★★
God I am so impressed with this show, I had this weirdly negative opinion of it before I started but everything is handled so delicately: the characters, GOD I LOVE EVERYONE -- Olivia is so strong willed yet has these beautiful quiet breakdowns when she is sad, they're amazing to watch. Also she has such subtle facial expressions that manage to be both amusing and convey so much, example! Peter is charming and intelligent and so caring, and oh Walter, he is such an exquisitely crafted character with such a rich backstory. He manages to be both heartbreaking and hilarious all at once, John Noble's acting is miraculous. All the supporting characters (Nina, Broyles, Charlie) are fantastic and the storylines are so intricate and interlink so well.
19. Freaks and Geeks Season 1 (10.07.10 - 16.07.10) ★★★★☆
THIS CAST IS MY DREAM CAST, not even kidding, apart from the main cast (JFD! JASON SEGEL! JAMES FRANCO! SETH ROGEN!) so many amazing guest stars popped up throughout the season. This show was really great at portraying the awkwardness of being a teenger without demeaning them, it showed how they were all really great people even if they didn't appear that way initially. I loved all the ships (Daniel/Kim was a surprise love!) and Jason Segel in this was like my dream boyfriend, Nick Andopolis was kind of creepy (even though I did like him and Lindsay) but omg he is so attractive I can't even.
20. How I Met Your Mother Season 5 (31.05.10 - 24.07.10) ★★★☆☆
I think all of the negative opinions of this season actually made me like it a lot better than I was expecting to. Obviously some of the episodes sucked (The Playbook, The Rough Patch, Zoo or False) and the way they handled Barney was atrocious -- seriously, two seasons of development and you'll just turn him into an obnoxious manwhore again, really? But some of the episodes were really good and I just love this cast so much. I LOVE ALL THEIR FACES.
21. Fringe Season 2 (11.07.10 - 03.08.10) ★★★★★
JACKSONVILLE/PETER. JACKSONVILLE/PETER. THIS STORYLINE WAS SO PERFECT I FEEL LIKE IT CAN'T HAVE REALLY EXISTED, it did not have a single flaw. I love this show so much. I love how it makes me think. I love them all (although the series of Walter's heartbreaking faces in each episode literally killed me, his storyline is so saaaaad and morally debatable and I LOVE IT), I'm even starting to ship Peter/Olivia.
22. Legend of the Seeker Season 1 (17.07.10 - 14.08.10) ★★★★☆
THIS SHOW IS LIKE ... IDEK. You're kind of going "how does this exist?" every single episode. Richard and Kahlan like to discuss their ~feelings~ a lot, and how sad they are that they can't have sex, and Zedd is a hideous cockblocker, and the fight scenes are in slow motion, and everyone's really hot and wears revealing outfits/remove their clothing a lot, and the storylines have stuff like bodyswaps and posessions and doubles and HOW DOES IT EXIST, IT IS FANFIC IN A TELEVISION SHOW.
23. Firefly Season 1 (15.08.10 - 22.08.10) ★★★★★
THIS SHOW WAS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER AS TIME WENT ON, I was so interested in every single characters backstory, how could this have been cancelled? Also it was beautiful and funny and delightful in every way, I loved the entire set of characters so much.
24. Friday Night Lights Season 4 (06.07.10 - 02.09.10) ★★★★★
25. Cougar Town Season 1 (28.08.10 - 17.09.10) ★★★★★
26. Arrested Development Season 1 (18.09.10 - 25.09.10) ★★★★★
This is one of the funniest, smartest shows I've ever seen in my life.
27. Arrested Development Season 2 (26.09.10 - 29.09.10) ★★★★★

28. Arrested Development Season 3 (01.10.10 - 08.10.10) ★★★★☆
Not quite as hysterically funny as the first two seasons, but still fantastic. Although I hated the Rita storyline, I loved how it encorporated the show's looming cancellation into episodes. S.O.B.S! So fantastic.
29. Parks and Recreation Season 1 (16.10.10) ★★★☆☆
Super short and hadn't quite hit it's stride.
30. Parks and Recreation Season 2 (16.10.10 - 26.10.10) ★★★★★
FUCKING HALE, MOST IMPROVED SHOW FOR SURE. Omg I love Leslie so much, I wish I had half her enthusiasm about anything. And then Ron fucking Swanson! April/Andy! Tom! LOL Jerry! It's fantastic. THESE PEOPLE REALLY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER, and it's really funny and touching and I love it, why isn't it baaaaaack.
31. Castle Season 1 (26.10.10 - 28.10.10) ★★★★★
IT'S DELIGHTFUL. I don't understand why the first season was only 10 episodes!
32. Rizzoli & Isles Season 1 (28.09.10 - 02.11.10) ★★★☆☆
The cases could drag on a little at times, and for a show that seemed to be trying to be realistic on the crime front I definitely spotted a lot of holes. However, the characters are so great! I LOVED EVERYONE, and the best moments were the ones that showed Jane and Maura basically dating.
33. Castle Season 2 (26.10.10 - 04.11.10) ★★★★★
IT IS REALLY TOO AWESOME TO PUT INTO WORDS. I LOVE IT, how is it this perfect mix of happy/funny/heartbreaking/intelligent/sexy? Castle/Beckett are delightful, as is Ryan and Esposito’s bromance. Also Castle’s family, especially Alexis! I HAVE TOO MUCH LOVE IN MY HEART FOR EVERYONE. PLUS OMG, STANA KATIC’S FACE. To quote myself:
emma: i need to know where the eff they found stana
emma: she is a goddess
emma: she is too perfect to live
34. Modern Family Season 1 ★★★★☆
35. Misfits Season 1 ★★★★☆

01. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 (31.12.09 --
02. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2
03. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 3
04. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4
05. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 5
06. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 6
07. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 7 (-- 23.03.10)
08. Chuck Season 1 (24.03.10 - 05.04.10)
09. Veronica Mars Season 1 (05.04.10 - 17.04.10)
10. Chuck Season 2 (22.04.10 - 07.05.10)
11. Angel Season 1 (19.04.10 - 22.05.10)
12. How I Met Your Mother Season 1 (20.06.10 - 22.06.10)
13. How I Met Your Mother Season 2 (25.06.10 - 26.06.10)
14. How I Met Your Mother Season 3 (02.07.10 - 03.07.10)
15. How I Met Your Mother Season 4 (04.07.10 - 11.07.10)
16. Arrested Development Season 1
17. Arrested Development Season 2
18. Castle Season 1
19. Castle Season 2


01. The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides (12.02.10) ★★★☆☆
02. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro (25.07.10) ★★★★★
03. One Day by David Nicholls

2009 & 2008


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