
Apr 12, 2006 23:52

So I got really ___ at ___ for no reason [ silently just now ] and changed all ___ _____ on _____.

It was quite funny.

That jerk.

Even though the website probably did it on default, lmao, AAAHH! DONT YOU PUT A HEART BY _____ !! SO MAADD. [ It was probably outdated too; I don't care. ] Wow this clock is active on this page XD it just changed a minute.

I'm sooo hungry.. >_< And Jake is SOOO AWESOME! XD Kanoe's brother is like the funniest guy! God! LMAO. Odama. JESUS. So funny. <3 Soshite honto ni kawaii! Is that how you say it ? XD I can never get the structure. Lmao. >_< AAHREARHAR. ARE.ada

>_< Sooo yeah.. Haven't really gotten to talk to Josh all day, although he called my work, LMFAO, DUMBASS, CALL ME when I'm not on lunch >_< ack! And way to not answer your phone when I try to call back later. XD JEESSUSS.

So I found out Jenny's mom meets all her dates online too. *Thumbs up!11* XD Makes me feel better about Jenny understanding me. =D That's awesome.

Also, apparently, me, Jenny, Kanoe, maybe Jakari and Chey, and Jake are going to.. place. XD Lmao, as a joke on the boys, because um *coughs* we want to trick them into thinking the people there are real girls. XD THEY'D BETTER BE PRETTY, DAMNIT!1 *Shakes fist.*


So anyways.. ^_^; I think I should watch some Ai Yori Aoshi, then go to bed. o_o;;; You know, this show actually may be quite enjoyable, if um... if um...

You know...

It didn't take from...

Love Hina and Ah My Goddess so much...








[ I hate being jealous. ]
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