Claiming - CLOSED!

Apr 06, 2014 21:00

  1. Please only sign up and claim a prompt if you know you will have time to complete it. (See the Rules for information regarding Drop Outs) -- Extensions will be given on a case to case basis
  2. This is an anonymous fest, so please don't let anyone else know what prompt you got, it will take the fun out of the fest.
  3. Please fill out the form completely, most of the information is for my use only.
  4. Prompts are first come first served, so please note you might not get your first choice
  5. All stories/art must be unique to this fest
  6. Stories must be between 1,000 and 10,00 words, complete and beta'd before being submitted
  7. Art must be complete and (preferably) more than pencil; I realize that's vague, so if you have questions regarding art, please don't hesitate to ask
  8. Do not post your story/art anywhere else until after the fest has ended
  9. Once you submit your story/art, you may request a second prompt, assuming there are still some remaining)
The prompts for Round 2 can be found here.

To sign up for the fest, please use the For the Love of Narcissa Claim Form.

Also, make sure you list three choices just in case your first choice is already taken.

Within 24 hours of submitting your form, you will receive a confirmation email that will let you know what your prompt is. The email will come from fortheloveofhp @ gmail . com. If you don't receive a confirmation, check your spam folder and if it's not there, then please send shy_of_reality an message to make sure it was received.

Please note, you are not officially signed up until you've responded to the confirmation email.

!claiming, !round: 2-narcissa

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