Fic: Looking for Revenge (There’s No Love Here) by flipflop_diva

Aug 20, 2013 21:00

Title: Looking for Revenge (There’s No Love Here)
Username: flipflop_diva
Pairing: Pansy/Hermione (background mentions of Hermione/Draco and Pansy/Draco)
Type: Femslash
Prompt: #154 - "Oh No!" by Marina and the Diamonds
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,723
Warnings/content: Graphic sex, inferred dub-con, infidelity
Summary: Two years ago, Draco Malfoy cheated on his then-fiancée Pansy Parkinson, leaving her broken-hearted. Pansy made a vow that day that she would never love again. She also made a promise that she would get revenge. Now, it’s finally time to make that promise a reality.
Notes: When I first read the prompt, I had a completely different fic in mind, but this kind of took on a life of its own, and I hope people enjoy it. Thanks to the mod for being so patient with me while I work through this fic. And thank you to F for the beta. You are amazing, and I adore you <3
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters/references are property of JK Rowling and associates. No copyright infringement is intended.

Looking for Revenge (There’s No Love Here)

In a party full of sophisticated, dressed-to-the-nines ass-kissers and minions, Pansy sees her over in a corner sucking down what looks to be her third or fourth Firewhiskey, if the number of empty glasses in front of her is any indication.

Pansy knows what sorrows she’s drowning - everyone at the party knows what sorrows poor little Granger is drowning - but when she looks at the disheveled girl slouched over the bar, trying to fade into the background, Pansy doesn’t see a victim at all. She sees a way to get even.

And it is perfect.

Pansy smiles politely at the balding wizard far too old for her who is trying desperately to make small talk, touches his arm as if to silently convey to him she really is sorry about this, then excuses herself to make her dignified exit. Head held high - because, after all, people are watching - she glides over to the corner and takes the seat beside Granger.

“A Firewhiskey,” she sweetly tells the barkeep when he hurries over to her. She points to Granger. “And one more for her. Maybe two.”

Granger raises her head at this. She looks like she hasn’t slept in a week. The dark circles under her eyes are heavy, and it is obvious to all that she’s been crying.

But she isn’t so broken up that she can’t glare at Pansy.

“What are you doing?” she says, and Pansy can’t miss the note of suspicion in her voice.

“Ordering you a drink,” Pansy answers, as though it is the most obvious and expected thing in the world.

“Why?” Granger asks. “Are you trying to poison it?”

Pansy almost thinks of snorting, except that is not ladylike.

“No,” she says, “I want to talk to you.”

“What could you possibly have to talk to me about?”

“Oh, I think you know,” Pansy says, and she casts a sly look backward to where Draco Malfoy is draped over Ginny Weasley, his new girl of the week.

Granger doesn’t follow Pansy’s glance, but she cringes nevertheless.

“If you’re going to Avada Kedavra me,” Granger says, “you might as well just go ahead and get it over with.”

Pansy can’t help but roll her eyes. “I am not here to kill you,” she says. “I am here to help you.”

Granger scoffs. “Highly unlikely.”

“Why?” Pansy says, overly sweetly. “Because you helped my boyfriend cheat on me in front of the entire Ministry and made me the laughingstock of them all for weeks?”

Granger’s face flushes. Pansy is pleased she at least has the grace to look both ashamed and embarrassed.

Granger opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. Instead she raises her drink to her mouth and takes a huge swallow.

Pansy waits.

Finally, Granger tries again.

“I guess saying I’m sorry won’t help any?”

“No,” Pansy says, “but seeing you get cheated on by him with that tart over there-“ Pansy gestures with her thumb behind her, “-did help me see things in a new light.”

“And what light is that?” Granger sounds like she really doesn’t want to know, but Pansy doesn’t care. She has her mind made up.

“The light that says Draco Malfoy made a fool of both of us. We are talked about and pointed at and whispered about, while he gets away with all of it.”

Granger waits. Pansy smiles.

“So I think it’s time we get even,” Pansy says.

“How do we do th-” Granger starts, but before she can even get the words out, Pansy grabs her face between her hands and presses her lips to hers, hard and rough and long enough for people to notice.

When Pansy pulls back, Granger sputters.

Pansy quickly reaches up, strokes Granger’s hair, almost in a seductive manner, and leans in to whisper in her ear.

“Isn’t it unfair,” she says, “that he can bring Ginny Weasley here and parade her around in front of you and not care?”

Granger stops sputtering. Instead she growls. “I hate him.”

“I know.” Pansy moves her free hand to Granger’s thigh and begins to caress her. Then, in the most obvious fashion she can, she moves her hand under Granger’s fancy green dress robes and starts running her fingers up the other woman’s leg.

Granger makes a move to get away, but Pansy tightens her one hand on Granger’s leg and uses the other to grab a bit of her ever-so-bushy locks.

“Do you know what would happen if we became the couple everyone talked about instead?” Pansy whispers, quietly enough so only Granger can hear.

“Wait.” Granger tries to pull back again. “What?”

This time, Pansy is the one to pull back, but only enough so Granger can see her expression, not far enough away that observers would think she has given up. She licks her lips for emphasis.

“Don’t you see?” Pansy says. “You and me. Together. We become the couple everyone talks about. We get the power, Draco gets jealous. Everyone wins.”

“Wait.” Granger shakes her head. Pansy strokes her face and brings her in for another kiss.

“You want us to be a couple?” Granger mutters against her lips.

“I want us to pretend to be a couple,” Pansy says, and she sucks on Granger’s bottom lip, then once again moves her lips to the woman’s ear. “I am not interested in any sort of relationship ever again. I just want to get revenge. And this will get people talking. Draco will want us back. We will get the edge.”

“I don’t know …”

“I know men,” Pansy says, and she moves her hand all the way up Granger’s thigh to the apex of her legs, strokes the silky cloth she feels there. Granger gasps.

“This will work,” Pansy promises.

Granger looks like she’s not buying it, but Pansy is stroking between her legs with one hand and breathing hotly into her ear while pulling her hair slightly with the other hand, ready to kiss her again, and Granger gives in.

“Okay,” she says, rather unconvincingly, “if you think this will work.”

“Oh, it will work,” Pansy says, and pulls back, jumps off her chair and takes Granger’s hand. “Follow me.”


They have sex in an office just off the ballroom where the party is being held. Pansy pulls her off her chair, takes her hand and drags her through throngs of people - more people than Hermione would deem it necessary to actually pass to get out of the ballroom - before making a big show of pushing her inside an empty office and locking the door.

Hermione still isn’t really sure about this whole plan of Pansy’s - she doesn’t see how having sex with each other is really going to help heal her broken heart, even if she should have seen that broken heart coming - but she’s had a lot of Firewhiskey and the world is slightly spinning and really it’s all she can do at this point to stay on her feet.

She doesn’t even really believe they are actually going to have sex - Pansy did say it was pretend, didn’t she? - until she feels her robe dropping off her and Pansy is pushing her backward onto someone’s desk.

Hermione blinks up at Pansy in surprise, but the world is starting to spin faster, so she settles for closing her eyes as she feels Pansy pull her knickers off.

This isn’t anything Hermione has ever wanted or ever planned to do before, but as she lies there with her eyes closed, she doesn’t feel any inclination to stop it.

And, oh. Pansy’s mouth is on her clit.

Hermione gasps as her back arches slightly. She feels Pansy suck on her harder, and then cool slender fingers are rubbing hard between her legs.

Hermione clenches her fingers around the edge of the desk and tries to will the world to stop spinning, as the sensation between her legs grows more and more intense.

She’s still slightly worried that Pansy is really trying to make a fool out of her and get back at her for having an affair with Draco when Pansy and Draco were engaged, but just as Hermione thinks that maybe she should stop this charade, she feels two fingers slide inside her and her hips buck uncontrollably.

And then Pansy is sucking harder and her fingers are pumping faster and faster and harder and harder and Hermione’s hips are rocking and moans are escaping her mouth and the world is still spinning, and the next thing Hermione knows, she’s screaming and coming all over some stranger’s desk, her body quaking uncontrollably as she lies there panting.

She can hear Pansy moaning now, loudly - almost too loudly - and she raises her head to watch as Pansy sits straddling Hermione, her legs spread, as she rubs and fingers herself into ecstasy.

They leave the office together a few minutes later, hands held tightly, Pansy’s free hand placed prominently on her ass.

As they make their way to the lifts, Hermione sees quite a few stares in their direction and she worries she just made a giant mistake. But then through the crowd, she sees two familiar faces, staring at her in wide-eyed horror.

Hermione knows Pansy sees them, too, because Pansy leans over and kisses her passionately just as the lift doors close them inside.

The last thing Hermione sees before they shoot to the surface is Draco’s horrified expression turning to fury.


They have been together in their fake relationship for six months. Today is the anniversary of the day Pansy caught Draco having sex with Granger in their bed after he disappeared on her at a Ministry party. Before that day, now exactly two years ago, Pansy thought she had the perfect life - a fiancé who loved her, friends who were there for her, a job that had so much potential.

Fast-forward a year and she had no fiancé and no friends - how could she be friends with people who tried to tell her it was her fault Draco cheated on her? That somehow she hadn’t done enough for him? It was only her job that kept her sane. That, and the promise of sweet, sweet revenge.

Fast-forward six more months and now she almost has that, too.

By now, Draco is beyond embarrassed and jealous and angry. Pansy knows this. Every day, she makes sure she and Granger run into him - in a hall, in the lifts, in the Atrium - as they whisper and kiss and touch each other intimately. She sees the way his eyes darken when he spots them, and she knows that he knows, but there is nothing he can do about it.

He has burnt his bridges with both of them, and Granger will never listen to a word he says to her, no matter how much truth may be behind it.

The rumours, though, don’t stop. They swirl around the three of them like a tornado; laughter about Draco being so bad he turned his women into lesbians haunting him day by day. Pansy knows that is not the real truth at all, but she keeps this a secret and lets the rumours taunt him.

And every day she gets closer to Granger. She has never not been honest in her intentions - she has never once said she has wanted more than this - but she also knows exactly what she is doing. They spend more nights together than apart, they have long talks, share soft kisses, have mind-blowing sex. Granger shares secrets and Pansy pretends she cares enough to keep them.

She wakes up the morning of their fake six-month anniversary to the feel of lips on hers.

“Hi,” Granger whispers when Pansy opens her eyes. “I made you breakfast.”

And she has. She proudly shows off a full English breakfast on a tray, with a single red rose proudly displayed in a vase.

“Are we still on for tonight?” Granger asks shyly as Pansy begins to eat.

Pansy looks up. “Of course,” she says. She sees Granger’s cheeks flush. “Are you nervous?”

“A little.”

Pansy places a hand on the other woman’s thigh. “There is nothing to worry about,” she says. “You know how great I think you are. And it’s good to spice up our sex life now and then.”

Granger nods. “I know,” she says. “I’ve just never …”

She trails off. Pansy laughs.

“I think there are a lot of things you never did before me,” Pansy says, and Granger doesn’t have to answer for Pansy to know she is right.


Hermione is more than a little nervous. She and Pansy have done crazy things before, but this just seems over-the-top to her. She wants to say no, yet she can’t. Pansy keeps telling her this relationship is fake, but it doesn’t feel fake to her. As hard as she has tried not to, Hermione cares about Pansy, wants to please her, wants to be with her.

And if she is being honest, being with Pansy excites her more than anything else ever has.

Which is why she is here, having broken in to Draco Malfoy’s office, lying naked across his desk, her legs spread wide, waiting for Pansy to come in and join her.

As she waits, she closes her eyes, hears Pansy’s words. Can’t you just imagine how angry he will be when we leave him a note that we have used his office for sex?

He will be furious. Hermione is sure of that. The thought brings a smile to her face, and makes her wet at the same time.

She hears the click of a door.

Hermione smiles and opens her eyes - and then she freezes.

Something is wrong. Pansy is there, smiling down at her, but it’s not her normal smile. It’s almost …

Hermione gulps. Pansy’s smile is almost sinister.

“Pansy?” Hermione whispers. She makes a move to get up, but she is not fast enough.


Hermione screams as ropes suddenly wrap around her body, tying her in place to Draco’s desk.

“What are you doing?” She manages to twist her head, to look at Pansy.

Pansy laughs, but it is not the laugh Hermione is used to.

“Doing what I should have done two years ago,” Pansy practically snarls. “Getting my revenge.”

Hermione’s head is spinning. This can’t be happening! She yanks on her bindings, tries to wiggle her way out of them, but the ropes are too tight.

Pansy is glaring at her, and Hermione feels tears spring to her eyes.

“You can’t leave me here!” she shouts.

Pansy laughs again, that awful, horrible laugh. “Yes, I can,” she says. “You have no idea how long I have waited for this. And tomorrow morning, when all the most important Ministry officials gather here in Draco’s office, for a meeting that I set up, you - and he - will finally be as humiliated as I was two years ago.”

“No! Please! Don’t do this!” Hermione yanks again on her bindings. Tears are coursing non-stop down her cheeks. Pansy is walking toward the door. There is only one thing left to do, her last hope.

“But I love you!” she screams. “I love you!”

Pansy pauses, turns around.

“I love you,” Hermione whispers, and it’s true. She has never felt for anyone the way she feels for Pansy, and all she needs now is for the other woman to see it.

“Please, Pansy,” she says. “We could be happy.”

Pansy smiles, and for a brief second, Hermione feels the pressure in her chest lifted.

“It’s too bad for you, then, that the day you had sex with my fiancé was the day I stopped loving anyone.”

And with that, Pansy turns around and walks out the door, leaving it wide open for the world to see Hermione’s humiliation.


Pansy thinks about witnessing Hermione’s humiliation in the morning. Thinks about seeing the look on Draco’s face when he sees what Pansy did. But she doesn’t even get out of bed or go into work.

After two years, she has finally gotten what she wanted.

As she tosses the last photo she has of her and Draco together into the fireplace, along with a shirt Hermione left at her house, Pansy only wishes it felt more like success.


For the Love of Pansy (Round 1) Masterlist

by: flipflop_diva, pairing: pansy&hermione, !round: 1-pansy, rating: nc-17, character: pansy parkinson, fanwork: fic, character: hermione granger, type: femslash

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