Pinched from multiple sources, 2015 in review
Your main fandom of the year?:
Lewis, without a doubt. I also wrote three Grantchester ficlets and one for Forever.
Writing Summary:
Number of Words posted:
According to AO3, 155,770, which is a slight increase in last year. However, 107,000 of those words were for one story,
To Those That Walk In Darkness, my Small Fandom Bang story. I’m claiming those words for 2015 as at least 80% was written during the year.
Number of Stories posted:
Fifteen, about 40% less than last year’s tally.
Number of Plot Bunnies contemplated:
Not as many as last year, though more than stories completed.
An Oxford Carol probably because it became a labour of love to finish it after two years.
Most under-appreciated by the universe:
It wasn’t exactly one of mine, but I thought the
artwork for To Those That Walk In Darkness deserved more love.
Tarlanx did such amazing work, and was so tolerant as the story kept growing.
Most fun to write:
Don’t Little Boys Like Dinosaurs, written as part of the Phrase Challenge (of which I still have two WiPs to complete), with Robbie and James dressing up for Jack, which was closely followed by
Shouldn’t Be Here, written for Frightfest. Bringing dinosaurs to Oxford and making them at least semi-believable.
Most intense fic:
That had to be
Off-Kilter, a second story written for Frightfest. Poor James. I still feel guilty for leaving him where I did.
Saddest fic:
I could say Off-Kilter though that’s probably more upsetting than sad. Saddest piece of writing was probably
Keeping Secrets. The passage in
Hours Continuing Long (Summer Challenge) where Robbie remembers his first heartbreak is a very close second
Funniest fic:
I wouldn’t have called anything particularly funny. There were funny passages in several stories, but that’s about it. I tend to lean towards sweet rather than funny. Also, I haven’t really had the headspace for funny.
Fic that shifted my own perception of the characters:
I don’t think any did. Usually the perception shift comes before the fic, either from picking up something different when re-watching an episode or pondering on ‘what ifs’.
Hardest to do:
All of them. Every story has been like pulling teeth, even the ficlets for the Phrase Challenge. It has been hard work this year, necessitating minimal TV and book time. Any distractions could see me completely lose the flow of a story. (It took me three attempts before my Secret Santa story finally came to fruition - for a time it was touch and go as to whether I’d meet the deadline.)
Biggest personal disappointment in regards to writing:
Not finding my flow and rhythm this year. 2014 was very difficult, as I was dealing with the loss of my dad in late 2013. I had hoped time would have restored the flow and relative ease I had in writing in 2013.
Beyond writing...
Your favourite film you watched this year?
I haven’t been to the movies in nearly two years, so I am shockingly far behind on movies. One movie I watched recently and thoroughly enjoyed was
Peter and Wendy (link is to the May 2015 press release), which was broadcast on ITV on Boxing Day. It was a lovely retelling of Barrie’s story, if very sad.
Your favourite tv show of the year?
Lewis, of course. Of the new shows broadcast this year, I’m very fond of Grantchester and Forever, and am gutted Forever wasn’t renewed.
Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
I’ve dipped my toes into MCU and have been surprised by how much I enjoy it.
Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
No CS Innocent. I can’t warm to Moody at all.
Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Completely non-fandom, non-animal related: I was thrilled and proud when I received a letter to advise my daughter had been selected for PEAC (a gifted and talented program) for her final two years of primary school. 7000 Year 4 (9/10) year olds were tested and 450 were accepted into the program.
What did you do in 2015 that you'd never done before?
Took my daughter on an airplane. We crossed the country and spent two weeks with friends in Sydney.
Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't make New Year's resolutions generally. If I can stop writing 2015 by the end of March, I’ll consider that an achievement.
What would you like to accomplish in 2016?
Sleep. I would like to be able to go to bed and sleep until my alarm goes off. I am so, so tired of seeing the wrong side of 4am. I’ve tried herbal remedies (they make me ill), over the counter medications (no joy), prescription medication (I wake at 3.45am with a non-alcohol-induced hangover). I’m completely over getting less than six hours sleep every single night.
What date from 2015 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
June 13 - taking my daughter away on holiday for the first (and hopefully not the last) time.
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Ending the year with my job and not requiring bail money at any point during the year.
What was your biggest failure?
I don’t think I had any real failures. A lot of things didn’t go as planned, but that’s life, not failure.
How will you be spending New Year's?
The kidlet and I spent New Year’s Eve day at the beach. I was in bed by 10pm. 31 December is the anniversary of my mother’s passing so we don’t do much to mark the day.
New Year’s Day has so far been spent in pjs doing a jigsaw puzzle. :)
Wishing everyone a brighter, happier 2016. (We can never be too happy, right?) :)