Moving update

Jul 23, 2012 19:57

Like many things in life, purchasing property doesn't always follow the agenda we hoped.  My bank finance was eventually approved and the purchase is going ahead, albeit a bit more slowly than anticipated.  Looks like moving weekend will now be three weeks away - 18 August, to be precise.

Big win: my loan repayments will actually be less than my current rent.  Anyone in Western Australia, currently in the rental market, won't find that very surprising.  Low vacancy plus high demand equals inflated rents.

On the plus side, my ex-husband, who seems more excited about the purchase than I am, has completely cleared up the garden of the rental property I'm in; at 740m2, it was beyond me.  And he's been able to give me a huge supply of decent sized boxes for packing. He's also agreed to help with the move on the day.

And happiest news of all, the writing fairy has been visiting.  I signed up to the Lewis Summer Challenge as a distraction - I felt that if I committed myself to write then, just maybe, I could bring some words together.  It's worked.  I took a fancy to four prompts on the prompt post and have negotiated two (one in two parts) and am working on the other two (whether I've successfully negotiated the waters will be clearer after 27 August).  AND it's given me enough of a boost to pick up Part 5 of "Be Who You Are" and progress that a bit further.  Whether that will come out before the Summer Challenge pieces are being posted remains to be seen,

I'm just happy to be putting words on the screen again - words that actually make some sort of sense :)

moving is a pain in the butt, busy, am writing

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