Time to Wake Up - OTA

Sep 02, 2010 09:39

She was turning into a narcoleptic or maybe an insomniac. She couldn't sleep at night and randomly passed out during the day in the most bizarre locations. Yet, strangely, she didn't really care. Apathy wrapped around her like a fuzzy blanket. Logically, she knew she wouldn't be able to bum around like this forever. Eventually, these people would get tired of the amnesiac house guest and make her leave but she couldn't force herself to care about that either. She'd worry about it when it got to that point.

After a week of laziness and eating, it was starting to show on her otherwise fit form. Namely in the butt and thigh region. Things were starting to jiggle but that wasn't enough motivation for her to get active. A nap sounded better.

Betsy was in and out of consciousness in front of the tv and that was when the change was made. One second she was falling asleep to one of the many popular crime dramas and the next second she was waking with a start to the unfamiliar surroundings. She knew who she was, Betsy Braddock generally awesome with the super model ninja psychic hero thing. But she didn't know where she was. This wasn't the base. It wasn't even Japan. It looked like the US if the TV commercials were any indication.

Betsy muttered a few British slang drenched curses and quickly unwrapped herself from the stale smelling blanket. If her smell was any indication, it had been a day or so since she last showered. She wasn't ripe yet but she was only another 12 to 24 hours until she would be. However, that didn't bother her anywhere near as much as the thighs that were almost rubbing together and the ass that jiggled when she walked. Not to mention the bloated constipated feeling. What had she been eating and what special brand of hell was this?

✝warren "angel" worthington iii, ✝betsy braddock, janie taylor

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