Midnight wandering tour. OTA

Jun 22, 2010 03:05

It was obvious from everyone's demeanor that something had happened. Buffy remembered Scott's arm in a cast, and had seen several other people sporting casts or slings, or just bruises and cuts. People in the house were restless, listless, and probably several other -less words she didn't know.

Added to the fact that she was new, and didn't really know where she fit into the house dynamic yet, and the whole situation made Buffy feel really edgy. Which was never a good thing, because when she was feeling like this...she usually went out and killed things. It also wasn't helping that at least a few people around the house were setting off her 'spidey-sense', at least a little.

By the time night fell on her first night, Buffy was exhausted. She let herself collapse into bed, hoping to sleep through the night.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Three hours later, she found herself waking up, feeling wide awake. Too much excitement, too much adrenaline from being in a new place, around new, different people. With a groan, she pushed herself out of bed, threw on some clothes, and began to wander the house, giving herself a little unofficial tour. She'd already seen most of it earlier, but it had had people in it. Now, it was just the house. Quiet, peaceful.

✝buffy summers

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