Each man is the architect of his own fate. [Arrival - OTA]

Jun 17, 2010 18:08

Tires crunched on gravel as a red-and-white Ford pickup rolled to a stop in the driveway of Fortes, engine purring. After a pause the purr cut off and the driver's-side door swung open. The young man who climbed out was tall and broad-shouldered, his long black hair held back by a red bandanna. He surveyed the house before him with a coolly ( Read more... )

[content] arrival, tabitha "boom boom" smith, ✝forge, alex 'al' "havok" summers, alex summers

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double_dynamite June 18 2010, 03:27:17 UTC
Tabby had been unpacking some things left in her poor little stolen mustang when she saw a very familiar face, with black hair and a suede jacket.
She doesn't get her hopes up until she sees the bright red tool kit, and promptly drops her things when she does.


circuit_forged June 18 2010, 05:28:35 UTC
Forge stops short and turns at the sound of the second unfamiliar voice calling his name in the past ten minutes. He didn't expect a houseful of mutants to be exactly normal lodgings, but this is still just weird -- and as expected, that unfamiliar voice goes with an unfamiliar (if pleasant) face. "Yeah?"


double_dynamite June 18 2010, 06:24:45 UTC
Damn it. She's really getting tired of not knowing most of her closest friends in the universe she was born in, stupid time making everything confusing, and her smile falters ever so little at the lack of recognition on his face.
"I'm Tabby, but you can call me Boom Boom."


daww, poor Tabs :c circuit_forged June 18 2010, 06:30:43 UTC
Well, she seems nice enough -- even if she does have the recognizing-him-already thing going on.

"Boom Boom? Seriously?" Forge cocks his head for a second -- and then grins. "I like it. Nice to meet you. I'm Forge, but, uh . . . you know that already. Somehow."


Re: She feels like an old person at 19, everyone is so youuuung. compared to Al's verse double_dynamite June 18 2010, 06:44:04 UTC
"I make things go Boom." To demonstrate she throws a basketball sized bomb behind Forge and blows a piece of battered plaster sky high and turns itself into a puff cloud of annihilated dust.


XD circuit_forged June 18 2010, 06:48:38 UTC
"Whoa." Forge brings his arms down from where he instinctively raised them to protect his face, and laughs. "Okay, that? That's pretty much awesome."


Re: Oooolllld. double_dynamite June 18 2010, 06:53:11 UTC
"Heh. You should see the big one's. I leveled a whole bridge once."


Hey, she's younger than Forge, anyway! circuit_forged June 18 2010, 06:59:53 UTC
"Seriously? Man. Remind me to stay on your good side." He crouches to retrieve his dropped toolbox, turning it from side to side and examining it for dents. "So, guessing you're one of the people who live here?"


Re: Yay for some things that don't change! double_dynamite June 18 2010, 07:05:42 UTC
"Yup and yup!" In all honesty she just wants to tackle hug him, it's been almost ten or eleven months since she's seen her Forge, who admittedly was a lot older and was starting to get the sexy salt N' peppa look going.
She missed teasing him, and well staring the man had one helluva...well she wants to hug this one.


\o/ circuit_forged June 18 2010, 07:16:54 UTC
"Awesome." His grin breaks out again; there's still the question of how everyone he's run into so far knows his name, but he's not going to let it bother him for the time being. Not too much, anyway. "Mind showing me around the place? The way I heard it was anybody who shows up is basically free to crash, but I didn't pick up a lot more than that."


double_dynamite June 18 2010, 07:19:43 UTC
"Totally, come on I'll give you the tour. Don't mind the missing walls there was a big thing recently that left the house in need of remodeling."


circuit_forged June 18 2010, 07:23:18 UTC
"Got it." Hey, it's free room and board, Forge isn't about to ask too many questions. Besides, "remodeling" means there's no telling what kind of things around the place might need working on . . .

He shifts the duffel bag higher on his shoulder and nods. "Lead the way."


double_dynamite June 18 2010, 07:26:58 UTC
Stepping over the large pile of splintered wood that was once the front door after she blew it up, Tabby leads way into the front room.
"Do you know what a Danger room is by any chance?"


circuit_forged June 18 2010, 07:31:15 UTC
"Danger room?" He cocks his head thoughtfully for a moment. "A . . . room full of danger, I'm guessing? Other than that, not a clue. Why, is this a riddle you're trying to work out or something?"


double_dynamite June 18 2010, 07:34:09 UTC
Holy crap. Tabitha gets a somewhat mischievous smile on her face and links her arm with his.
"Well my 'new' buddy it's this big holograph friendly room set for training us mutants to save the world."


circuit_forged June 18 2010, 07:45:20 UTC
Forge is a tiny bit startled by the unexpected contact, but he relaxes quickly -- her words have caught his attention. "Wait, whoa, hold up. You telling me you guys have something like that here? Seriously?"

This raises about a thousand new questions, not least among them what the world might need saving from (this had better not be the epic-destiny thing dogging his heels), but only one currently has any importance in Forge's mind. "Can I see it?"


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