If I had known you were coming I'd have baked a cake - OTA

May 16, 2010 03:14

The loud clatter of pots and pans falling out of the cupboard and landing on the floor was accompanied by an even louder curse of frustration and annoyance... and possibly even a few choice swearwords thrown in for good measure all pronounced in that soft but well spoken typically British tone.

Klara was stood in the middle of the kitchen, hair tied up into a messy ponytail, flour and cake mixture smeared across the front of her apron and even some smatterings across her cheek. The room was filled with the heady aroma of various baked goods cooling on the various racks and make shift cooling trays dotted around the room.

She got like this occasionally, her urge to bake and provide for everyone simply not met by the occasional meals she cooked so Klara was on a mission to bake as many sweet and savoury treats for people to enjoy but it seemed that in her haste to do this she had used all the muffin and cake tins.

Pouting just a fraction Klara stuck her finger into a used random bowl of cake mixture and wiped it around the edge before sucking off the sweet concoction and pouting slightly. Cooking was great fun... washing up less so.

mark "martini" martinez, ✝klara prast

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