Sep 08, 2008 20:34
A month and a bit without a computer and I totally get out of the habit of LJ. I didn't even post on my birthday yesterday or anything. So, what's going on?
I'm in classes, that's part of what's kept me busy. Taking math, math, engineering that's math, drawing (for engineers) and materials. I've got an internship with an engineering company, which basically means filing and some paperwork and learning things. And working part time at yet another Starbucks. Haven't unpacked everything yet. Bought a laptop more powerful than my desktop, but haven't even needed it yet. Watching MIT opencourseware for some of the classes while I'm doing homework for those classes.
That's about all for the moment, plenty to keep me busy lately. I'll try and get back to posting more. And reading my LJ more too, I haven't forgotten you all. I'm just busy.
life the universe and everything,