My computer is crippled again. We've had DSL for barely a week, and it went down. Verizion had some kind of outage nearby, that hit us, but it's supposed to be fixed now. Yet the modem sits there, the DSL light glowing forlornly, waiting for its companion Internet light to come on.
And yet, I haven't noticed as much. Partly it's the timing, since I was gone Friday to play Magic, then started a new Vampire campaign which went late, and so I wouldn't have been on anyway. Then Saturday I came home, napped, and went to work. And work today, too. My schedule is strange and confusing. But also, I've been reading David Brin's second Uplift series, and I have a new video game, Viewtiful Joe, that I'm not yet bored with, though I'm growing frustrated somewhat. And then I got home from work today and knocked out this and so far two other LJ entries, because I was in an introspective (or I guess it could be put, angsty) mood. There's several more lurking about in my brain, more than one of which could probably be boiled down to "I'm lonely." So I don't know how many of them I'll write, especially since I don't know when I'll actually get to post these. That depends on Verizion, whose tech support and reliability aren't legendary.
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