Well friends,
Thursday marked the last day of drums. We had such a good time with Gerald though, we might have him come back again for some small adds once the songs take a little more shape.
All in all each song ended up having it's own percussive touch. I've always tried to foster that each track in Light of Day should possess the same heart tying the album together, but sound different and unique in their own respect, which isn't always easy to do.
A small surprise that I've been holding onto for the last month is that Nick has rejoined the project. Until now he had been finishing up school and now with that done we have another big piece of CONVERGENCE back again. He even decided to take the day off of work to come listen to how the drum tracks were going...shh...just don't tell anyone.
Now it's more waiting, while the 'Danny of Oz' works behind the curtain cleaning up tracks and adding bass. It should be about a week or two before we are able to start tracking acoustic. Until then a lot more pre-release work to do.
It won't be all work though, as I'm heading up to Shanks Hall in Milwaukee tonight to see Gerald and Frisbie play. I'm up for call pooling if you're interested so hit me up!