Ladykiller for
dropsofviolet /
dropsofviolet Fandom: 2 Broke Girls
Pairing: Max/Caroline
WARNING: Shotgun use and mainly off-screen zombies.
“All my fault? I’m not the one who told Oleg he should tinker more with the menu to “bring in top-level clientele”! Where do you think we are, the Hilton? Actually, with that color hair you must fit in with Paris and Nikki no problem,” Max said.
“Will you stop with the Hilton jokes already? Besides, they already act like they’ve eaten the Russian Sausage.” Caroline winced, setting the shotgun on the ground. “God, if we’re going to talk about it any more we’ve got to change that name.”
I worried and angsted over writing for this fandom (and of course it was the one I matched on!) because the amount of racism and general ickiness perpetuated by the supporting cast - and, occasionally, the main characters - is ridiculous. In the end, it's the one I'm happiest with since I think I mostly avoided that while still making all the characters recognizable.
Steady on the Wheel for
calenlily /
calenlily Fandom: Vienna Teng music, song:
Shasta (Carrie's Song)Pairing: Gen
WARNING: Teen pregnancy, reference to abortion clinics and Christianity. (Seriously, do we warn for religion?)
And you're thinking about clouds the color of fire / And the scent of an orange peel / The way Mt. Shasta explodes into windshield view / And your hands steady on the wheel - Shasta (Carrie's Song)
This song remains one of my favorites of Vienna Teng's; the lyrics could be so sad but the sense of beauty the music conveys make it hopeful and a tale of endurance.
Best Wife Ever for
annakovsky /
annakovsky Fandom: Parks and Recreation
Pairing: Ron/Leslie
WARNING: Offscreen death of neither of these two; terrible, terrible jokes.
It’s on the 30th anniversary of Ben’s untimely death (killed by the ghost of Li’l Sebastian, no matter what anyone says. When you use a Li’l Sebastian t-shirt to wax your car, you’ve gone too far. Some might even say you deserve the train running off the tracks and plowing through your house. Some might not be terribly nice people. But that is the love that Li’l Sebastian inspires in Some.) that Ron Swanson, woodsman extraordinaire and renowned flute-maker, turned to Leslie Knope, Mayor of Pawnee 9 (and a half) terms running and said, mustache gray but thick as ever, “Leslie. We should get married.”
I wrote this as a treat, and it is terribly, unashamedly cracky. That is all.
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