thorne_scratch was participating in the Come At Me, Bro! meme, and though I am not as bro-ish as I might like somedays, I asked her to hit me up. Should you wish to participate:
Comment with "Come at me, bro," and:
- I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
- Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
1. Best unintentionally hilarious thing a student has ever said to you?
Oh, jeez. Where to start? Erm, maybe the girl who flounced all around my classroom saying: "You can't tell me what to do! You can't make me!" and then turned right around and gave me her dad's (real!) phone number when asked, with no fuss at all. In fact, she gave me her father's phone number, her mother's, her uncle's, and four of her older sisters' phone numbers. I was left just kind of staring at her, because she was never this cooperative.
Or D.A. turning to M.H. and saying "Shut up! I want to learn the colors!"
Or when I was walking around checking the HW and I saw two boys doing it out of the corner of my eye. They were finished by the time I got there, but I looked at their work and said: "Did you do this in class?" One of them (S.) looked at me very nervously and said "No?" I looked right back at him and said "Yes, you did." A. turned to him and said "I can't believe you tried to lie to the teacher!" like it was the strangest concept in the world.
Or, finally,
this. There is just no concept of tact at thirteen. I kind of adore it. When I'm far away from it.
2. Last meal before you shuffle off the mortal coil. What do you have?
Mmm, probably surf n' turf with a side of my mother's day-old pasta pomodoro. Mmmmmm, so good. Even better the second day.
3. What's the biggest culture-shock thing you've encountered in Spain so far?
I was telling someone about how matter-of-fact Spaniards are about body issues. No harm is meant by it, but they'll come out with things that would absolutely shock you if you heard them in the U.S. It's a pretty refreshing change of pace, but boy am I glad I'm not a sensitive teenager anymore, because some of those comments would have been hell on my self-esteem. But that's not even so big a deal.
The thing that's really throwing me off is the schedule. I'm having a very hard time adjusting to eating so big a lunch - I want to go to sleep forever afterwards - and then dinner so late at night. By that time I've already decided the food just isn't worth it and it's sleepytime. And with stores only being open from 10 - 2, and then again from 5 - 8 and never on Sundays except the first Sunday of every month and even then only certain stores.....::deep's very difficult to keep track of. Right now I'm just trying to keep the refrigerator really stocked so when Sunday comes and I inevitably need something from the store right then, I've got at least one other thing as a backup.
4. If you could "accidentally" arrange to be trapped in an elevator or, you know, space of your choice with any famous person or celebrity, who would you pick? Bear in mind, you get to prep for this encounter so you can come off as the best or creepiest you can.
Ahahaha. Oh. Erm. Amy Poehler. I would absolutely love that. She's so freaking smart. Eeee! If we're going the strict "celebrity route". Okay, you know what? I'm going to pick a cabal. 'Cause I can do that.
Straight-Up Celebrity: Amy Poehler. OR Regina King. Wow. How to choose?
Politician: Hillary Clinton. Eeep.
Writer: Gabriela Mistral.
Person From A Novel: Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. What? Don't judge me. I just want to give that kid a giant hug.
For Creepy Reasons: Mandy Patinkin. I want to ask him if he'll be my dad. :-) No, that's totally appropriate, why do you ask?
For Staring-From-The-Corner-Of-The-Elevator Reasons: Ben Mackenzie. I would freak the fuck out of him, but. He's just so darn cute.
For Entertainment Reasons: Peter Sagal. If anyone could make being trapped in an elevator entertaining, I think it's him.
5. Cannibalism: any circumstances where you could do it? (Uh, this should have no bearing with questions two or four. Unless that's your thing, I dunno.)
You know, I'd really like to say no, but I think if it came down to survive or not, I'd probably go Hannibal Lector on whomever I needed to. I hope, at least, that they'd already be dead, and that I validly have no other way to survive. I do think, though, that if it were someone I had met before their death I wouldn't be able to do it. I'm something of a sap. So...yes. With reservations.
::bounces up and down excitedly::
Who wants to let me be nosy and ask them questions?
Charli-watch, 2011 is continuing apace. He has decided that "getting a treat" - because I'm training him not to bite - means "take it from her hand and drop it on the floor of my cage, even if it is a delicious dried date I like so very much. It must have sand on it before I can eat it." And then he tries to jump down/falls to the bottom of the cage and totally pretends like he meant to do that. It's awesome to see.
Oh, Carlitos. How funny you are.
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