So, I've been kind of gone

Jul 17, 2010 16:01

because my computer was in the shop.  I actually never got Alfonso X back, and instead have Isabela.  So everyone say 'hi' to Isabela!

It's actually a very long and boring story, but I've got the time and I'm bored.  l'd been having some minor issues with Alfonso X - named after Alfonso el Sabio of Spain (Alfonso the wise).  I really don't remember what he did during his time as king, aside from "didn't fuck up too much" and "didn't really raise taxes".  I think that's a good thing to have on your resume as King, and his subjects sure liked him.  Anyway, he was one in a very short line of kings who weren't terrible, and I was hoping the "wise" thing would rub off on me - or at least my papers - so I decided that was a great name for my computer.

Alfonso - the computer - had been having backlight issues and was, more frequently, simply freezing.  I decided that, while I was under warranty, I should get these issues fixed so I didn't run into the gigantic problems I did with Francisco, my previous computer.  I took him in on the third (of July), and they were all, "Oh, there are three or four minor issues, but they're minor.  Did we mention they're minor?  Three to five days."  So, I went away a happy camper.

Five days later, I get a call.  "Yeah, those issues?  Uh, they weren't what we thought they were.  And it'll take two to four days to get the new parts in, and a day to fix.  So, another three to five days.  But remember; it's free!"

So, maybe I'm not so thrilled because I'd forgotten to get my resume off my computer before I brought him in, but whatever.  I can wait a few more days to keep applying to jobs.  Not a huge deal.  I'll live.

Five days later, and I haven't gotten a call.  So, I'm a sort-of proactive person.  I call, and ask what's up.  Is my baby ready?  And you know what they tell me?  NO.  Not just no, he's not ready, no, they haven't even gotten to him yet.  And I, as a rule, don't like to freak out at people on the phone.  Generally, they're just the messenger, and I've had customer-service jobs that existed entirely over the phone.  I hate people who are rude on the phone.  I've been almost-fired because I couldn't get someone to stop being rude on the phone.  So I?  I was not rude on the phone.  And, for once, it paid off.

The next thing the customer representative asks me is, since they've screwed up so, so much by keeping Alfonso the extra 5 days and still haven't fixed my problem and he's under warranty - baby was only a year and a half old - would I like a new computer?  On the house, and they'll transfer all my old information, documents, quicktime files, mp3s and what-have-you over for me.  I actually took some time to think about it because, really.  Alfonso's only a year and a half old!  Am I just that callous?  Would I abandon him like that ::snaps fingers:: after all he's done for me?  Am I that kind of person?

Turns out, yes, I am indeed.

Alfonso and Isabela have a lot in common.  Both macs, same size computer and hard drive.  Isabela, however, has twice both the memory and ram of Alfonso.  Isabela is a MacBookPro, which, if you'll recall, was touted as being the "green" Mac, mainly because of her super-long battery life.  She's actually silver, but I'm not going to quibble.

I named Isabela after Isabel of Spain, another super-old ruler.  She's the Isabella of Ferdinand and Isabella, the king and queen good ol' Columbus got his ships from.  She's known as the Catholic Queen, probably because she was super-Catholic and, alongside her husband, forced Jews and Muslims not only to convert to Christianity (or flee the country), but severely punished those who were caught practicing any other religion secretly.

Despite her fervidity for a damn exclusive religion, Isabel was very, very smart.  By marrying Ferdinand, she defied Henry of Castilla, her half-brother and her king.  She ended up inheriting the throne, and united most of Spain by wedding Ferdinand.  So, I'm hoping my Isabela has less of the crazy and more of the political smarts.

And now to try and pro-rate my old warranty.  Whee.

Oh!  The whole point of this post was for me to say: if I took a really, really long time to write back to anyone - and I know I did - I'm sorry.  I don't hate you.  I just was sans computer for almost two weeks.

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hola isabela, crosspost, rambletime yay!, my life is boring like woah, adios alfonso x

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