Today's Theme: Women Are Awesome (Post The Second of Many)

Jun 28, 2010 23:16

Part The First


So, clearly the next two fics have the implicit warning of drug abuse.  If the implicit warning wasn't good enough for you, I'm giving you an explicit one now.  THERE WILL BE DRUG ABUSE*.

Freak Show by lelola

Fandom: Pop rpf
Ladies:Lady Gaga

WARNING:  Seriously twisted mind.

Written for the Awesome Ladies Ficathon, to the prompt "I'm not kidding when I say this, there's a price to being famous: yeah, it's therapy and valium."

There's a price to being famous, and it's this.

When you were twenty-one, you laid down on your back and told the chandelier you were ready.

A month before your first single hit the airwaves, something crawled through the shadows of lace and leather under your mattress and nuzzled your hand. You pulled it onto your lap and as you stroked it behind its ears, you promised to nurture it. You named it Fame and fastened a rhinestone collar around its neck.

My Smile Can Distract You by ava_leigh_fitz

Fandom: Community
Ladies: Annie Edison

Written for the Awesome Ladies Ficathon, to the prompt "one may think we're alright / but we need pills to sleep at nights".

How a girl evolves into an addict.  This is a window into why some kids start abusing drugs, and particularly when kids start abusing drugs†.  It's lovely and it's hard to read, and the saving grace there is that it's short.  At the same time, you wish there was more to read because Annie is a fascinating girl, who frequently gets played off as the naive little girl on Community.  But from what we know about her life prior to Greendale, there's got to be a whole lot more to her story than she - or the writers - let(s) on.

The Ritalin is amazing. For the first time, all that hard work doesn't feel like hard work. It's simple and easy and her life, once a carousel of tests and trials and more tests becomes much easier to handle. So that one pill in the morning becomes three pills in the morning and Annie could practically explode with all the energy she has. Everyone notices the difference.

Saving The Day

If you can think of two ladies who do more save-the-day stuff than these two, I'd love to hear who they are∞.  These women run around with men, cleaning up after them more often than not.  They're sidekicks, tagalongs∞∞, but without them, these stories would never take place.

Remember This, Remember Me by

Fandom: Doctor Who (Eleven)
Ladies: Amelia (Amy) Pond

This is about Amy, who saves herself.

Amy remembers the Doctor as seen by her child self, this madman in a box who was weird and new and exciting and liked fish and custard, of all things. The Doctor for her adult self is just as weird, and just as exciting, but maybe also infuriating, and old, and appealing in the way fire is - you know you’ll get burned, but the temptation to touch it is still there.

She remembers a lot of things, but she has the feeling that there is something she’s forgotten and she can’t remember what.

It drives her a bit mad.

Repairs by
feverbeats / soda_and_capes

Fandom: Iron Man, Marvel
Ladies: Pepper Potts

I don't even know how Pepper Potts does it.  She's smart, she's classy, she's always ready with the solution, and she must only sleep 2 hours each night.  She does all this, even if she's quaking on the insid, because she's Pepper Potts.

Turning away, Pepper pulls her hair into a ponytail and tries desperately to think. She wishes she could call this unexpected, but it isn't, quite. She always knew the world was a dangerous place, and it's gotten much more dangerous since she met Tony Stark. To be fair, though, she didn't ever believe the world itself would end up being taken apart.

It isn't fair that some two-bit villain with a grudge against Tony's company and a spare set of powers ended up doing this to all of them, but Pepper is damn used to unfairness by this point.



Something Pru has said time and again rings true with me.  What would these worlds, these stories be like, if, instead of men, they'd been women?  It's a small change, a step-to-the-left, if you will, but gender influences our lives so massively that our stories are turned on their heads.  Women are treated differently than men, whether we like it or not, whether we look for it or not.

"Genderfuck, to me, is not so much about the fetishization of gender, femaleness, or anything -- maybe it is to some people, but I don't know. When I've written genderfuck in the past, the responses of people who have read it haven't been so much sexualized (although people are interested in sexuality) but about the shared experience.


I mostly want good stories wherever I can get them, and it's a fucking tragedy that those good stories aren't often told with women -- but maybe that's because women aren't telling them, anyway. Like who the fuck knows, right? Maybe we should all be writing the female characters? They're not very interesting though, to spin out, and none of us really have the emotional connection with them we need to make those stories interesting. [...]

In conclusion, maybe to have more interesting women to read about and connect with, maybe we should all be writing more genderfuck."  - Pru•

And, appropriately, Pru's (Un)covered is first on the list of genderfucked stories.

(Un)covered by

Fandom: NCIS
Ladies: Toni DiNozzo

Toni is everywoman, and every woman we want to be.  She's insecure; she's astonishing.  She's truly screwed up; she's brilliant.  She's not afraid of a little exhibitionism; she's not afraid of her sexuality.  All in all, she's perfect as she is, as we all are.

Toni has spent her entire life hopelessly in love with people.

Honeymoon Child by charlie-d-blue

Fandom: Supernatural
Ladies: Samantha Winchester

Set pre-series, Honeymoon Child makes Supernatural a little more female-friendly, and forces the question: what would the series be like with a female Sam?

She was a quiet child, her teachers always thought, understandable, they would say when they gossiped, considering the tragedy of losing a mother, terrible thing. Understandable, they would whisper, considering the state of her father.

Usually the illusion held, but sometimes something would happen, a crack in her impenetrable shyness, and words would spill forth, and the girl would be suddenly transformed into a shameless chatterbox, brilliant for her age, spouting fantastical stories delighting children and adults alike with her huge imagination and impressive vocabulary. Though, the amount of time she spent enthusiastically outlining the logistics and details of the weaponry tended a little toward the morbid.

*I'm sorry about the shouting.

†Hint: it's pretty much when they hit double-digits.

∞Aside from Zoe Allyne and Buffy Summers.  I promise you, at least one of them will be coming up soon.
∞∞No, not the delicious girl scout cookie.

•From Pru's formspring.  Clearly I miss writing papers with actual citations and shit.

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women are awesome, lady gaga, ncis, rpf, supernatural, lady drives me gaga, rec: fic, iron man, community, doctor who

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