(No, not the show. Sorry for getting your hopes up. Have some recs.)
Has your dog got fleas? Did some a**hole cut you off on your drive home yesterday? Maybe you've got some cleaning to do for those ungrateful freeloaders who are coming to your annual ever-so-festive Memorial Day Extravaganza (This Time With Fireworks!!!) please bring a beverage for everyone to enjoy! and never bother to even send a thank-you card. What about that alcoholic, layabout grandmother of your boyfriend's who won't stop complaining about how hot it is, yet refuses air conditioning and fans and who not-so-secretly thinks you're a nymphomaniac? Did a certain someone forget to save you a piece of your very own birthday cake at work the other day? In short, are you in a HULK SMASH kind of mood?
Boy, have I got the cure for you.
Sometimes, you need the glee. You need sheer happiness, hilarity, and something to remind you why life is awesome, in the old-fashioned sense of the word. Maybe then you won't set fire to the old biddy - but it was an accident! I don't know how the sparklers got sewn to the bottom of her dress! - come Monday.
Deep Fanfic Thoughts, by Jack Handey by Vali
Fandom: Fandom, Jack Handey
WARNING: You will end up cleaning off your screen several times. Which, to be honest, is something you've probably been meaning to do for a while, you lazy bum, so this is more like a PSA and less of a warning.
You remember Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey? One of SNL's greatest accomplishments, I believe, right alongside Mike Myers' verklempt aunt from Queens. Deep Fanfic Thoughts takes that sorta-moronic, definitely-selfish, confused (and confusing) mind and shows us fanfic viewed through that particular lens. And believe me, ladies and gentlemen, it is indeed a flattering look.
The Evil Sinister Dark Evil Very Bad Claiming of Kris Allen by
astolat Fandom: American Idol 8 RPF
Make sure you read the OP's request first. It does not fill that in the slightest. XD
24 x 22 cm by
leupagus Fandom: Star Trek XI
WARNING: A BABY'S ARM. 'Nuff said.
18 and 5 1/2 Lessons They Didn't Teach You In Spy School by hackthis
Fandom: Burn Notice, Alias
WARNING: I don't know how to tell you this, but...there are swears. And violence. Or, well, it lets you know that there will be violence. Someday.
"When you go on assignment make sure to pack two suitcases. One suitcase will have clothing and explosives and anything else you might need on the job. The other suitcase will have dirty magazines, socks and a pillow you stole from the local Holiday Inn. If you're good at your job, this shiny obvious suitcase will be the one that someone will steal from you at the airport. If you're bad at your job, you'll have to call your contact for a fresh pair of underwear and more C4."
Not quite fic, but very close:
Legend of the Sneaker, by aimsleydale
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker, Footwear
WARNING: Sometimes, I can't tell one sneaker from another. Those sneakers all look the same to me!
(Okay, with me in a Barry White voice:) Ohhh, yeahhhh.
The Broccoli Test by
fangasmic Fandom: The fandom of life
WARNING: You will definitely try to mime broccoli to someone next time you're in the grocery store. You will look like a weirdo.
Once upon a time, long ago, when people were into
The Professionals fandom- this was when dinosaurs roamed the earth and people still made vids with VCRs and shit- two fangirls were in a grocery store in California.
A Love That Won't Sit Still, by icepixie
Source: Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers' films
WARNING: You won't be able to stop watching. This will become like porn to you. In fact, your family has already been alerted that you may click this link, and have begun planning an intervention. Your uncle is planning on mentioning that time he will walk in and find you, unshowered and greasy, laughing maniacally at your screen and dancing in the nude. Enjoy that; it's going to be the nicest thing anyone will be saying.
I can't take my eyes off Ginger Rogers when she and Fred dance. Try it, I dare you. You won't enjoy anything you see them in half as much. You know why? It's because, while Fred loves dancing, I think he loves Ginger more. All the while, you can tell he's thinking, planning, watching for the next step because he's got to carry Ginger through it. Ginger? She dances for the sake of dancing. She's always got a delighted grin on her face, and looks like there is nothing, nothing in the world she'd rather be doing than dancing with Fred.
If It Gives You Joy by thedothatgirl
Source: Whedonverse
WARNING: Dancing?
If it gives you joy, then you don't have to explain it.
Is There A Doctor In The House? by
NCISMelanie Source: House
WARNING: I'm swimming in the ocean / of pillowcase blue / and I sink so deep in you / you gonna save me or not? I HAVE NO WARNING HERE FOR YOU, OTHER THAN ONE FOR THE SHEER FANTASTIC.
Oh, god, the movement, and the lightheartedness. I think we all get lost in our own emo at times, and I know for sure that House does. (Both the show and the character.) This vid showcases exactly why people keep coming back to House, and it's not the crazy medical cases or the drugs or ridiculous yo-yo that is House and Cuddy. It's because House is a people person.
Tick Tock by Loki
Source: Supernatural Gag Reels
Maybe I should have warned for lighthearted fluff? Oh, wait, I did. Uh, aside from some unusual editing choices at 1:50
- and believe me, boys humping boys is never unwelcome on my computer screen - this can be seen as entirely platonic. Indeed, it's full of - dare I say it? Yes, I do - glee and a relishing of life. This vid is beautiful and fun.
Sparkle Time by e-transitions
Source: Twilight
WARNING: Character voices that actually fit the acting!
This is how the movie should have gone. And...scene!
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