Monogamy and Non-Monogamy in Trek fic

Apr 04, 2010 14:42

Check it out.  affectingly  says it way better than I could.  Essentially, she talks about women's reactions to people perceived as "sluts", and how that shows up IRL and fic while mainly focusing on the fic.  Very interesting piece, and I think it's something everyone - and I mean everyone - can relate to. I haven't actually seen a lot of the fic she refers to in the beginning - where Gaila is actively slut-shamed by Uhura, usually - and I'm really grateful for that.  What I'm mostly grateful for, though, is that someone took the time to commit these thoughts to paper (well, webpage).  We can all definitely learn something from what affectingly  has to say, even if it's that our society is a wee bit retrograded (both now and) in the time of Star Trek.

Slut-Shaming, Monogamy and Non-Monogamy in Star Trek

And, frankly, I find Gaila delightful.  So if we could all treat her awesomely in fandom, I'd appreciate it.  As an incentive, here's a picture of her being rad.  (She's hiding boys under her bed!  I never did that when I had roommates, but now I'm thinking it might have been fun.)  And hot, but, well, it's Gaila.  So that's a given.

star trek, gaila, miss. sogyny is a downer

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