Day 3 of no pop. But happiness about Zachary. And FADPOV.

Jul 27, 2007 09:53

So it has now over 66 hours since I had pop, and I actually don't feel too bad right now.  I really hope this isn't a lull before a complete collapse.

Of course, I may still be on a high from hearing about Zachary Quinto officially getting the role of Spock.  I was just so pathetically happy.  Setting aside my opinion on his extreme attractiveness--he really is one of the best actors I've seen in quite some time, and I never would have become as engrossed in Heroes as I am if it hadn't been for his work on the show.  I'm just a mild-to-moderate Trekkie, due to my inability to connect with most of the post-TNG characters for some reason, but I was very snide about this movie just because I didn't think there was any way they would find an actor who could do the role of Spock justice.  But when ZQ said he was interested, I immediately went, "HELL YEAH.  HE CAN DO IT."  So now I get to bounce up and down for the next 16 months in anticipation of this movie...after I said multiple times that I would never care about a Trek movie again.  At least I didn't say it in print.  I think.

The fun part of talking to fangirls online: last night I logged on to Television Without Pity and went to the Sylar thread, and there were almost two pages of posts discussing how horrible it would be if they did something to his eyebrows for the role of Spock.  I had previously suggested that since he'll be playing a younger Spock, maybe they could retcon that Spock inherited human eyebrows from Amanda but later had plastic surgery to look more Vulcan.  I've grown fond of the Eyebrows of Sexiness and I will defend them to the death.  Yes, I am pathetic.  Yes, I probably do have a problem.  Shut up.

I went out last night with pretenddog and talked to him about FADPOV.  I'm kind of freaked out about it--I was really excited when I was invited to review some shows for it, but now I'm freaking myself out about it.  I've never tried to write anything on a strict schedule before and I'm horrible at futzing over every last word, trying to make a piece "perfect", so it takes me forever to finish.  I also tend to inject my skewed opinions into everything and I feel the need to be as objective as possible in writing reviews.  To sum it up because this post is getting ludicrously long, I'm busily convincing myself that I'm going to suck.  But he did his best to convince me that I would not suck and thought it sounded awesome.

drivel, fadpov, fandom, actor: zachary quinto

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