I need a hobby.

Apr 13, 2008 21:56

You know what will totally destroy your productivity? Finding out that SpikeTV is running a marathon of the original Star Wars trilogy. Yep - that pretty much sucked away the last 7 hours of my life.

But because fandom totally warps one's mind, while watching the end of Return of the Jedi, I couldn't help thinking about Vader's storyline. He's someone who discovered he has immense powers and winds up turning to evil, using his power selfishly and causing death and destruction wherever he goes. In the end, however, he turns out to have enough decency left in him that he essentially sacrifices himself to save possibly the only person he cares about, and dies right after redeeming himself.

Sounds an awful lot like the final ending that many people on my flist have said they'd like to see for another powerful yet evil character who we all love discussing...

So the question is: are we totally unoriginal? Subliminally influenced by other stories? Or is the idea of the villain who gives into goodness and redeems himself common enough that it's only to be expected we'd apply it to Sylar?

(Also? George Lucas should be banned by law from being allowed to touch copies of his films. Han shot first, dammit. Revisionist bastard.)

tv: heroes, movie: star wars

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