An actual conversation I actually had tonight.

Mar 29, 2008 02:03

Watching The Perfect Storm, which none of us had seen before, at the climax when the ship capsizes and George Clooney and Marky Mark say their goodbyes:

Him: Daaaaaamn. I really thought they were gonna kiss. I'm kinda disappointed now.

Me: Oh my God. Hoyay is everywhere.

Him: Hoyay?

Me: It's an online term. It's a contraction of "homosexual subtext - yay!"

Him: Oh! You mean "bromance".

Me: Yech. I prefer hoyay. It's more adaptable. Because, like, on Doctor Who, when the Doctor and the Master are antagonistic yet staring intently at each other, it becomes "foeyay".

Him: OK, good point.

Me: Or, say, with Nathan and Peter Petrelli, it becomes "broyay".

Him: That's very true. But Mo and Sylar...I think it's pretty obvious that they want each other even more.  I mean, the way those two look at each other...daaaaamn.

His fiancee: *stares*

Me: Um. Yeah. Right.

tv: heroes, my friends, mylar

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