Proof that Mylar is more infectious than the Shanti virus

Nov 11, 2007 19:48

So I was explaining to my best friend, via text message because she doesn't have internet access, the things that were said by people connected with "Heroes" early last summer to the effect that the cockroaches seen around Sylar might turn out to be a physical manifestation of someone giving him help (an idea which I hope and pray fell by the wayside before they started filming season 2).  She then went on this monologuing rampage:

Her: They remind me of Madagascar hissing cockroaches, which just makes the idea of them giving him help even funnier to me.

Hiss...Sylar, you are special.

Hiss...I know you are in the sewer but you aren't a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Hiss...that giant rat isn't your friend!

Hiss...Mohinder is your soulmate.  Don't kill him just hang him from the ceiling.  Hissssss

Me:  Oh my God.  What the hell???

tv: heroes, my friends, fandom, char: sylar, char: mohinder suresh

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