Utter crack, and a couple of random things

Oct 01, 2007 15:43

Anyone have any recommendations for where I can get some nice Mohinder icons?  I'm feeling the need to expand my icon selection a bit .

I might not have to go to the work meeing in Las Vegas.  Whee!  (I'm not a gambler, I can't afford any shows right now, and this means that instead of running from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm for 3 days, I can spend those days in the office in almost complete quiet and sleep in my own bed.)

Also, I mentioned the new pictures of Zachary Quinto bowling to my best friend (who allegedly finds slash disturbing).  It resulted in this conversation:

Her: Could you imagine Sylar bowling?  Him and Mohinder having a family outing?  Mo would be all pissed off because Sylar would always “somehow” get a strike.
Me: *boggles for a second that she of all people went there, and then runs with it*  Also, any time Mohinder got a strike, Sylar would claim he’d “helped” Mo out, just to irritate him more.
Her: After bowling, they would go to a movie.  And if Sylar ducked out to the bathroom alone, Mo would check his breath afterwards for brains.
Me: Of course Sylar would respond by pointedly sniffing his drink, and Mo would blandly comment that pop tastes better with a curare chaser.  And on the way home Sylar would insist that they stop at that little ice cream place that’s open late, and Mo would make fun of him for always getting vanilla.  Mo probably gets something bizarre and disturbing to match his scarf collection, like spumoni.
Her: Mo only says such things because of those eyes.  Those irresistible eyes. Sparkling with the perfect combination of love for him and love for brains.  He wants nothing more than to look into those eyes for the rest of his days.
Me: Dude, I think this is veering into fanfic territory now.  Also? Talk of the man’s eyes distracts ME.Her: You know you both love it.

tv: heroes, my friends, fandom, char: sylar, mylar, char: mohinder suresh

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