In which I attempt to actually meet a goal

Nov 01, 2014 11:48

So I think I am going to attempt NaNoWriMo.

I haven't been writing regularly for the last...5 years? 6? Sheesh. And about a year ago, for the first time in my life, I came up with an idea for a novel that included a complete plot and several concepts that really interested my husband. However, in all that time, I've only managed to write about 20 pages of it. I always wind up letting myself get distracted by mundane real-life chores ("You shouldn't sit down and write for 2 hours, you have a sink full of dishes and the leaves need raking!"). So I'm not necessarily hopeful that I'll meet the goal of writing 50,000 words during November, but I am hoping that it'll establish a habit of writing a little every damn day, even if it's only for 20 minutes.

Of course, instead of working on my novel idea, this morning I wrote something based on a weird dream I had recently, where someone finds a little boy who seems happy and healthy but has no idea how he got there or where he lives. They call the authorities to report the lost kid, only to discover that over the last 48 hours, all over the country, hundreds of identical-looking little boys with the same name and same lack of background have been discovered. Two of these Good Samaritans who live close to each other decide to meet up to see if maybe bringing together the two boys they found will trigger memories or other clues as to where they came from. But when the two little boys walk into the same room, they explode.  I'm...not really sure what happens after that. Maybe I'll find out...


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