Fan Fiction Friday @ Topless Robot, or , AAAAAAAAA!

Mar 21, 2009 00:28

Oh dear sweet Jesus on a pogo have to see this.

I was recently introduced to the joys of Topless Robot, which is the kind of snarky geek/comic/videogame/anime blog I wish I could write, and which I highly recommend.  (It includes TWoP in its blogroll, and the humor does remind me of TWoP back in the days when it was funny.)  On Fridays they post something called, appropriately enough, Fan Fiction Friday.

Think of the worst, most disturbing fanfic you've ever been tricked into reading.  Then double the pain.  Then quadruple it.  That starts to give you an idea of the things that this blog has dredged up from the depths of the intarwebz.  Look, people...things that cause you to use the phrases "Care Bears" and "S&M" in the same sentence?  Just shouldn't exist.  Nor should erotic scenes between a Red Koopa and a Green Koopa.  Nor should femslash involving Lilo of Lilo & Stitch and the Powerpuff Girls.  After all that, the Night Court mpreg looked almost normal.

Lest you think I am making this shit up, you can find it all here.  I wish LiveJournal allowed longer tags, because I would tag this as both OMG That Is Horrible and Disgusting - Let's Show It To Someone Else, and I May Be Messed Up But At Least I Don't Write Dragon Ball Z / Anne Frank Crossover Fic.  (That last one is safe to click on, by the way.  The author keeps it PG, and gives it a happy ending, in which Goku defeats Super Saiyan Hitler and takes Anne to Australia and marries her.  And the mere fact that I can state that kind of thing is safe to read, shows you just how warping some of the other stories were...)

wtf?, fandom, fic

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