Nov 13, 2005 23:43
A few moments ago I was all ready to hop in the shower, and by "all ready" I do mean fully naked. As I pulled back the cheap plastic shower-curtain and lifted a weary hoof over the rim of the bathtub, I was struck right behind my eyes with a song, a melody. I repeated it over and over in my mind with hopes to never forget it. I could not squander those divine notes. Sadly, it soon became apparent that throughout the impending events of the shower I would most assuredly forget my delightful tune and lose it up to the muse's ether where it would be sent back down to another lucky artist. So I painfully foresook my shower and raced over to my keyboard. I begun to translate what was in my head into physical notes. I played them again and again, but realized that this was no better than singing them in my head. So I grabbed a 1/4 cable, jammed one end into the back of my keyboard and the other into my mixer, and recorded the notes digitally. Now my song is saved forever, and when I go back to listen to it I'll always remember how sweet it was to play piano standing up naked in my room.