Feb 28, 2005 13:39
Well anyone who reads this (which is like no one)will know that I just said I had decided on my Thesis.... Well the state of Maine decided that since the Nott House was in ths district they didn't want me to bother.... *Mental Breakdown and lots of crying ensues* and Kurt wonder of all wonders is unsupportive....... (he basically told me that I should find another house.... I DON"T WANT ANOTHER FUCKING HOUSE.... I WANT MY NOTT HOUSE GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) So when I just want to be cuddeled and consoled what does Kurt do? NAP WTF???????????? HELLO I'M HAVING A BREAKDOWN HERE... okay well breakdown is prolly a bit of a stretch BUT I feel lost and scared and confused and the person I'm suposed to be able to turn to is unsympathetic..... It's not that I think he doesn't care but more that he doesn't want to upset me because his thesis is all set and I now don't even have a topic... But can't I just have a HUG???????? But anyway.... I emailed Philip (my advisor) and told him of my trouble.... so hopefully he will email me back.... and I will beable to figure out a game plan....... Then ontop of this let us add the stress of not having a job yet for when I graduate.... not knowing what Kurt and I are gonna do and all this other shit that is going on..... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *okay I'm taking a breath*
AND now I am skipping class........ Oh well I havn't skipped one yet.....
Okay I am so totally out.... Leave something... I could use it!