Nov 30, 2003 16:42
When it comes down to it everything ISN'T Biological. But it is. If Scientists, doctors, and the whole stopped trying to seperate us from well ourselves, by TRYING to draw a line between what is biological and what's "mental." Life has proven to me time and time again that There is no such line. You can try and try but just when you've finally whittled a medical problem down to physical or psychological something in the research shows up and says otherwise.
Cause honestly everything is BOTH. You're mentality on life subjects you to alot of different biological disorders mentally or physically, and it's "scientifically" proven, but that doesn't mean the problems crosses from mental to biological, it stays just how it was.
Certain people are genetically more likely to get certain medical problems but if you took a person made their identical genetic double and put them on two different life paths one might get the problem while the other doesn't. On a biological level that's impossible but it happens! It's because yes you can blame your genes for a part of it but to prevent or treat it it's all up to how you physically and mentally decide to deal with it. Some chose just pills and it works for some people. But others need more than that. They are in a sense MORE connected to the world around them and need to find other ways than just pills or pills at all to treat and cure; they need to branch out to "the collective" to find an answer.
OKay I'm done rambling I think I had a point in there somewhere. But anyway stop trying to divide your body. Body and soul are one until you die...