Feb 21, 2011 23:29
What I have been up to:
Watching Netflix. -I spent most of January watching Heroes, and have since moved on to 24.
Drawing Drawing Drawing- Usually when I watch Netflix I also draw.
School- I've had a 4-5 page paper to write for the first four weeks of school, three tests in the past two weeks, a Debate due in two weeks, and midterms are also around the corner. and I have accounting homework most monday/wednesdays.
Eating- Since the start of the semester I have begun waking up earlier and making breakfast. There are some days I don't do this (such as when I'm out of food). I also try to cook dinner twice a week as opposed to throwing something in the microwave. Better meals are good for moral. Tonight was taco night.
Reading lots of comics and a couple other novels- When drawing and netflix don't cut it, I read. I have been going to the Public Library on a weekly basis and have mostly raided the Comic section. I'm also reading Good Omens and "Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void"
Minecraft- the newest addiction probably. Those resources aren't going to mine themselves.