Dec 06, 2005 01:20
Soo work im still working at hollywood video i love it i love my boss shes awsome im making 7 a hour which is more then anyone else new is making ^-^ im working bout 30 hours a week which is good cause im making more then i thought id making... i can climb in the drop boxes at work which is alot more fun then it sounds!! I went and saw the new harry potter movie and zuthera with my dad at the drive in ... Im making a few credits... I got heath back for being a dick ^-^ i got a new shirt and necklace hehe i really like them both Heath got a taste of his own medicine !! Ive been hanging out with new peoples which is a nice change brandon and chance they crack me up and they are fun to hang out with!
I guess one of my fellow employees said to my boss that all the guys come up and talk to me and i must be a man magnet or something which i find to be a nice complement... so order is restored in the little world of Katrina yesterday was my moms death date and that didnt change the fact that my life has been going well ive just been in a good place i mean i cut a little the other day but that was mroe out of anger then anything else i wish i was 18 so i could be working full time at work i already stay about 4 hours a night past when i get off just because i enjoy working even if its off the clock and i dont get paid for it liz has been putting in the hours other times thought so i somewhat get paid after 10 but for the most part i dont care working for free cause i rent enough movies to make up for the hours even though i get the movies free..
If i was 18 id be a shift leader im already training new people and such because i have it down so well *dances around* I miss Alex we dont talk all that much but hes still number one in my life! my face broke out lately that doesnt make me happy but its a little draw back i hate having blemishes on my face but im gonna go watch a movie and then go to bed so i can wake up earlier go to school early and go to the elementry school next to school so i can make extra credits hopefully things stay the route they are going i get my first paycheck day after tomorrow and it will be around 375-400 which is exciting!!! I think i wanna take my dad to universal studios or something just to do something nice for him cause hes always been so good to me!
Love ALWAYS, Katrina