Jan 10, 2008 21:41
You want to hear something interesting? On that front Im afraid that Im not much of a help. However, if it is a tale of hate you adore, then perhaps I am useful after all.
My misanthropic view of humanity grows worse with each passing night as I wile away the hours on my third-shift job. Most jobs deal with the public, but during the night the true nature of people manifests itself. Everyone is trying to take advantage of everyone else, and this is demonstrated in the vagrants that walk in off the street and attempt to work the pity angle on you. Certainly like all other humans my altruistic nature makes me feel sorry for them and I used to help them out when I could, but that changed when they became demanding and expecting. Why would anyone who has nothing feel that they had the right to make demands of those charitable enough to pay them any mind? When they started coming in drunk, cursing, and causing a scene I kicked them out. Now, I dont allow them to even come in anymore at all, not for a moment to warm up, not for any reason. Does this make me a heartless bastard? Yes. Yes, it does, but it is a necessary evil in this cold and barren world.
So just vagrants are the problem right? No. Not even close. Those normal working members of society are even more asinine in their expectations and outlandish requests. Why? The answer is simple, and as follows. Whenever people have to pay money for a service they assume that they are allowed to treat the staff on hand like slaves. Since they are paying for something, they think they are entitled to some sort of sovereignty over others. Equality and brotherhood are myths in this day and age. There are three types of people: Homeless, Poor, and Rich. Thats it. If you arent rich, then you are penniless or scum. Believe it or not that is the common thought process of most people. How can I say that? I see it reflected in the world around me day by day. I dont need a fancy census to tell me what my eyes can see and my mind perceive. Is it that there are so many people who are homeless and poor because of something lacking in the education system. Yes and No. Certainly being qualified for a position gives you a head start, but there is a lack of jobs to go around for the ever increasing population of the United States. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Why? Because congress refuses to increase minimum wage for the working class on the grounds of It would cause businesses to make less profit due to the increased pay scale and thusly eliminate more jobs than currently. Never mind the fact that with outsourcing the price for overseas workers is a third of the cost of hiring United States workers. How come? Because of inflation, that little word that made fifty cent hamburgers now cost two dollars. The U.S. dollar is worth more in other countries than it is here, so in India they can pay three salaries to the average American salary. We need more money to live in our country due to the price of things. So, basically congress is telling us that by giving us more cash for our jobs it is likely to make our jobs become liquidated for overseas workers. Nice. On the flip side of that however the United States Congress has raised their annual salary by two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year over the span of the last few years. Seems to me they got a cost of living increase. I hate our government.
Well, with all the troubles of our world at least there is that pale shelter of love to keep us protected from the storm of nihilist intentions, right? Wrong. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Men are hunters and gatherers, and women are mothers and defenders. Oh no wait, that isnt the way it is anymore. Now women are offended if a man does anything that makes him seem remotely connected to his primal roots. Also if a man suggests anything feminine about a woman she says he is being sexist. I wish women would just be women again. Before the whole of creation comes down on my head for that one, let me explain. Im not suggesting that women be chained to the kitchen and cooking me dinner, nor am I insinuating that women shouldnt work or live free lives. What I am suggesting however is that they get off their soapbox and stop acting like all men are out to keep them down. As I see it, men are interested in two things, companionship and sex. Yes, I think that is very true. The thing to understand about that is men find sex to be the outlet for their utmost expression of love. Yes, there are men out there that dont want love or companionship, they just want sex. On the same note however, there are plenty of women who just want someone to pay their bills. Men and women have turned sex into a form of exploitation. They prey on weaker members of the opposite (or same possibly) sex to get what they want. Sometimes two of these predators hook up and mutually use each other in a loveless relationship to get what they each want. Needless to say love is a farce in this day and age. Am I bitter? A little, but mostly just apathetic. I was raised to be a gentleman and in this day and age my mentality is useless. Treat a woman like a woman and she becomes offended, but treat a woman like trash and shell go down faster than the Lusitania. I hate what we have become.
So, with all the retarded, poor, loveless, heartless, cold, bitter, hateful, and spiteful people running around is life worth living? The answer is simple, if you hold a hope that it can get better then yes, if not, no. If you dont hold any hope in mankind or a higher power to help get us where we need to be, Id go ahead and spring your mortal coil because it isnt going to get better before it gets worse.
That is about as much hate as Im willing to bring forth at the moment.