Apr 17, 2005 20:35
Well this week was pretty much like every other week.
But lets review the main points.
- Some people get on my nerves ... still
- I burned a Temptations cd and I like it and I don't care if you make fun of me for liking 60's motown music
- Friday my mommy got put in the hospital
- Saturday my mommy got out of the hospital
- I still hate research papers
- I still can't chew gum for more than 5 min
- I hate the bowling alley
- Tessa's dad used to wear extremly short shorts
- I like coffie
- I stole one of Tessa's little sister's shirt and it says AR Reading Is Fun and has a star on a skateboard on it. Its effin awshum.
thats it I guess oh and...
NOTE TO ALL: My livejournal entries will now contain your daily random spelling change for the day and todays random spelling change for the day is..
To, Too, Two and now all spelled Tew