Ciao! So it's been a very long time since I've posted any artwork here; it's just been very busy with the semester exchange back in the fall, then classes & my TAship last semester and now my thesis is taking over my entire summer =( But I've managed to squeeze in a bit of time today to make some icons; I've actually been meaning to since A Game of Thrones started airing (how awesome was that finale last night?!) but I've only iconed the first half of the first episode so expect more icons from the near future ;)
[40] Game of Thrones (mostly episode 1.01) [05] The Good Wife (random season 2 - finale) [07] Gossip Girl (Dan and Blair; season 4)
Game of Thrones 1234 5678 9101112 13141516 17181920 21222324 25262728 29303132 33343536 37383940
The Good Wife 1234 5678
Gossip Girl -- Dan & Blair 1234 5678
+ You can check out my website, to see all my works. + If you want to get more updates, feel free to join forsaken_muse + Please don't hotlink. + Please comment & credit if you're using. + Enjoy! :D