Dec 21, 2004 11:55
I like being able to wake up when I want!!:) My puppy is so lovely at night he does a wonderful job of keeping me warm .. :) BRr its to fucking cold.. So cold you don't want to share you blankets with anyone!
MY computer is finally done being lame and now goes to more sites than effin santa mosh..
Tonight show.. Gregory Hines is playing with lovely drop the gloves.. I hope it doesn't snow so I can drive myself..
I got a cute lovely belt from La for Xmas. :) and a really adorable hat that I wanted super bad .. Then I got my haircut. Now I have to wait for my hair to grow a little longer or else I look like a hideous Cancer Child.. I'm not a pretty girl .
I got new anxiety meds they seem to be working wonderfully so far..:) Napolean dynamite time.. <3 <3
Other than that Life is swell. And you stop being so Lovely!