Subspecies Results Round 1

Nov 01, 2006 06:14

Subspecies Winners
Outstanding Overall
Bloodpact Part 2, Part 3-1, Part3-2, Part 3-3 - Memoriamvictus

Character Piece
Bloodpact Part 2, Part 3-1, Part3-2, Part 3-3 - Memoriamvictus

Subspecies 1 - Ame Ga Korobu

This category was a judged only category due to having only one nominee in few categories. Subspecies was judged by melsmarsh, m_ravensblood, and myself.

Special Awards

Outstanding Dark Author - Memoriamvictus

Outstanding Humor Author - Ame Ga Korbu

Special awards are issued for outstanding authors, fictions, and the like. Potential candidates are selected by analyzing the nominees, write ins and the enthusiasm of the judges and/or voters. It's voted on by the moderators and at least three must agree on the award.

Moderator Awards

Award(s) issued by melsmarsh:

Outstanding Novel length - Nevermore by Tikireaper (link currently unavailable)

Each moderator may choose fics they think deserve notice and give them a special award. Each mod has a different color their awards are issued in. A moderator may receive an award from another moderator but doesn't give any to themselves.


If there are any mistakes on your banner, please let us know. Please save your banners and upload to your own server.

Congratulations to all the winners. We hope you'll join us for the next round of awards at forsaken_fandom. You don't have to join to take part, but you're very welcome to do so. Look for announcements at various fandom comms when the next round of nominations opens up and we start looking for judges to assist us the next time around. And thank you to melsmarsh and m_ravensblood for all your help.

subspecies, round 1, winner banners

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