Forsaken Nominations - Round 2

Jul 11, 2008 09:53

Welcome everyone to Round 2 of the Forsaken Fandom Awards! We've made some changes to the rules and our format, so our returning members are going to want to look around and be sure to read the revised rules. We think the changes are going to make things run more smoothly - last time was our first experience with running awards, we made some mistakes and saw some things we could do better. To those of you who are new, we're glad you could join us. You don't have to be a member to participate, but we strongly urge you to join so that you can follow the awards easily. All comments are screened and we do not disclose the source of the nominations.



The time has come and nominations are now officially open. Nominations will be accepted between now and 8/15 when nominations close and voting is opened. Before nominating, you MUST READ THE RULES. Any nominations which don't comply with the rules will be discarded. NO EXCEPTIONS. There is a secret phrase in the rules that you MUST include in your nominations to prove you've read them.

Categories list may be found here.
Nominated Fics may be found here.

Nominating Fanfiction
Please include all of the following in your nominations. You may nominated multiple fics, but all of the following must be included for your nomination to be accepted. Failure to include ANY of these will result in your nominations being VOIDED.

Your Email Address:
Author: (May be LJ name but it must be formatted name_o_author, not just name_o_author.)
Valid Author Email Address:
URL of Story:
Secret Phrase: (This is in the rules & proves you've read them)
Categories Nominated:

Best Scene Nominations add:
URL of the Scene:

Best Characterization, Original Character and Use of a Secondary Character, add:
Character Name:

Best Ship Nominations add:


Best Author Nominations
You must provide links to either 3 stories or the author's personal website for consideration in a best author category with the exception of Best New Author which only requires 1 URL although more are encouraged for better judging their work.

Your Email Address:
Author: (May be LJ name but it must be formatted name_o_author, not just name_o_author.)
Valid Author Email Address:
URL of Story:
URL of Story:
URL of Story:
Secret Phrase: (This is in the rules & proves you've read them)
Categories Nominated:


Nominating A Community or Website
Your Email Address:
Website or Community Name:
Moderator or Owner Name: (LJ comms, you only need one moderator's information)
Valid Moderator or Email Address:
URL of Community or Website:
Secret Phrase: (This is in the rules & proves you've read them)
Categories Nominated:

nominating, round 2

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