Sep 19, 2004 01:29
fivespeeddemon13: *sigh* i cant spell
xdejectedxheartx: *gasp* really??? i couldn't tell.
xdejectedxheartx: lol
fivespeeddemon13: *pouts*
xdejectedxheartx: *laughs*
fivespeeddemon13: *hides face in pillow*
xdejectedxheartx: *laughs more*
fivespeeddemon13: *covers self with blanket*
xdejectedxheartx: *still laughs*
fivespeeddemon13: *throws pillow at laugher*
xdejectedxheartx: *falls over*
fivespeeddemon13: *laughs*
xdejectedxheartx: hahaha
fivespeeddemon13: for some odd reason that was fun
xdejectedxheartx: haha
xdejectedxheartx: yes