Dec 18, 2007 12:08
I notice so many things these days
(it has been since summer's end that I have posted)
Many things have changed...people I thought were my friends turned on me and ditched me, mainly being Paul and Derek and them. I let them in my house, trusted them, let them run my life and party here letting my guard down and I not only to get back stabbed but used yet again, but that is always the case. I moved on,they haven't, that is their choice.
I work now, UPS, the graveyard shift. The hours are...weird, right now 12am-9am but its mostly overtime and the money is great. Lets me sleep when I get home then have the rest of the day to play.
I am back with Sara...who knows where it will lead, things are great one day then shit the next...but I feel that I should get to the topic at hand.
I have two years until I go after something I have always wanted...I have decided to become an EnCon Officer-An Environmental Conservation Officer, basically I arrest people who break fish and game laws, kind of like an animal cop you could say. The old term for that kind of job is a "Game Warden". It is right in my alley, I would be outside in nature where I love to be. I have to go through the states State Police tests, and I have 2 years to prepare. I also will probably have to go back to school.
But, my main reason for writing in the wretched thing for the world to see is here. I spill....
Everyone is fucking fake. Everyone. I see no honor or respect in anyone anymore, and I have to admit I can be that way so no one can call me a hypocrite, but I at least have the decency to stick to my guns and live by the code of honor. What is so great with sleeping around and fucking any guy/girl you meat? Hasn't anyone ever heard of finding someone to love and waiting to do that? I guess not. And drinking/smoking pot? You get high for 4 hours or so and then back to Earth, then you get piss drunk, make a full of yourself and wake up in the morning not knowing what the fuck happened. Real nice. And then you got the people who call you their friend/the brother they never had. Then these "brothers/sisters" go off to college and they forget you. Like you never even existed in the first place.
I have a deep hatred towards people, I cant be around mass groups. I just feel that everyone tries to hard to make themselves noticed and liked yet forgetting that the one thing that sets a person apart from everyone else is their sense of individuality and their attitude, but that shit does not exist anymore. Kids these days are so caught up in all the fat-cat based monopolies such as Hollister and Abercrombie and they worship drug-crazy people such as Paris Hilton and they try soooo hard to be just like these Hollywood fucks that they have no sense of individuality. They all fucking walk talk and dress the same, and are so quick to judge and pick on the few people who have the guile to be different. When the truth is, the ones who care more about being happy with themselves then being like every other little shit out there are the ones who will make it farther. I am sick of these fucking media based stores who turn kids into slaves, the same goes for these fuck's in Hollywood. Burn the stores and kill the celebs, give people back individuality and freedom.
And another thing I fucking hate, shit talkers. For fucks sake, you got a fucking problem with someone take it up with them. Don't sit there and "run your mouth" because the truth is you are jealous of the person, he/she is better then you take it as it is. Instead of wasting your time talking shit why not do something to better your self, because face it your picking on others because you are not happy with yourself, so why not take the energy wasted on talking shit and turn it into energy to fucking fix what you hate about yourself. Fuck
Im done...for now
More will follow
sleep?! who needs it