new excitment

Nov 01, 2006 10:36

I got a little happy spurt going on right now. Monday Bebe went with me to the mall so I could get some applications for a seasonal job. All together I picked up about 11 and filled out 2 or 3 in store card things. I thought I was going to have class Tuesday night so I was going to wait until Wednesday to turn them back in. My late night class ended up being canceled so I got Bebe to go with me last night. I went to Bath and Body Works first and they scheduled a group interview for Monday 4:30-6:30. I went to Things Remembered and the lady told me I was the only one to bring in the thing so far and she wanted me to fill out an application. I told the app and was going to bring it back today but Bebe wanted to shop so I sat at a table and filled it out as best as I could. There were 3 places I couldn't make out what it said because it was a copied one. I knew 2 of the 3 were job title and duties I just didn't know which was which. I told the application back to the store and asked the lady, she said don't worry about it because you got the job. I was so excited. I have to go in on Monday from 4-8.

Next I'm going to drop Accounting. I figured it up and if I make 100's on my next to test and a 100 on the test I just took I would still only make a 72 in the class. Today I'm getting rid of that!

I'm also going rent the darkroom today, if I can get over there before they close. I'm so exciting about that too! I guess I need to head to class now.
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