Apr 25, 2005 07:55

I had much rather invest in my own future and have more than likely more income later than depend entirely on SS when it should, in my opinion, not even be around today. It was a short term fix that people have abused. Get off your asses, get a job, save some money instead of spending it all and your future will be fine. This is just my opinion so feel free to post yours.

College Students Concerned

A new poll by Harvard University (search) shows that America's college students are worried about the future of Social Security (search). In the poll, nearly 70 percent say they're concerned that Social Security will not be able to pay out benefits when they retire.

What's more, a majority - 52 percent - say they support reforming Social Security to allow for personal investment accounts. The results are even more remarkable given the make-up of those polled: there were three times more self-described liberals, than conservatives.
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