hmm.. so much updating

Sep 07, 2004 13:02

Ok.. So today Sarah and I decided that we are new people. We're cutting the shady people out of our lives (well.. maybe not cutting them out, but lessening the values we hold of them). Detones tickets were got for Mike and I. Don't know if we're going together, but I assumed. Thanks for the CD.. I now can't stop listening to it. I may go pick up a few of their other albums as well.

umm.. School is hitting me hard so far and we're only in the third week. So far I've written a 7 page paper, read a million chapters of absolute crap, and wrote half of a research paper and formed tables and graphs. FUN. Dave's wedding is coming up. Margie's wedding is coming up. One week from tomorrow is Dave's wedding. It is going to be so fun. Bachelorette party on the 1st. I better not get stripper balls in my face. October is a busy month. 2 weddings, 1 bachelorette party, 1 rehearsal dinner, 1 brunch, 1 Martina's birthday. Keeping busy is probably a good thing for the new and improved me. Gives me less time to look at all the numbers in my cell phone of people that I shouldn't be calling! I'm now turning off the phone for hours at a time. I've definately become too dependent on it. This is my way of easing off of it. SO. if I ever have it off that is why.

The apartment is going well. The boys are lots of fun to live with and one even cooks delicious food. They leave on the weekends, which sucks, but I guess I usually work the weekends anyways so it doesn't really matter.

Been having awesome dreams lately and actually remembering them. Last night, everyone that I care about made an appearance in my dreams. Was very cool. I was sitting in a chair, everyone that I care about walked up one by one, said something, then walked away and the next came in. The things that people said were random, however fit their personality, or something about our relationship.

For now, I am done. Love ya'll
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