one lamb

Jun 28, 2008 23:10

Hello! My name is Claire, it's interesting to meet all of you.

I haven't been here for very long, but I heard some co-workers talking about a network that's up for public access. I thought it sounded fun, so I'm giving it a try- don't disappoint me too soon. I'm sorry if I'm going against any etiquette rules for this thing, I just learned how to use a computer a few days ago. It's easier than a typewriter, in a lot of ways.

Tell me your opinions about this place. I'd like to know all of your opinions.

[ooc note of doom: Claire is a serial killer and a special kind of crazy. he has been in the city for around two weeks now, and has since gotten himself respectable temporary employment as a line cook and an apartment to live in, though he hasn't spent much of his time in it. arriving in the city really messed with the character's megalomania and moral individualism in weird ways. since arriving in the city, Claire has viciously tortured and killed an npc man in the city (during that last disease plot) to reassert himself, so if your char is interested in discovering that, go ahead, or if you're interested in doing some serial murder investigatin' in the future, ping me ♥.]

his world, his amusement, his existence, his disappointment, claire stanfield, modern times, his interest, heavily veiled threats, wolf in sheep's

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