Time and Time again.

Sep 25, 2009 18:47

It's happening again.

Parentals getting stressed over everything and taking it out on people around them, namely each other and me. My brother only provokes them more by his whining of wanting more stuff and asking why every few moments.

Please... stop yelling at me. I'm trying to help. I ask what I can do to help but you don't tell me so I only do what I can. If lunch helps, good... if my staying home sick helps, good... I'll live. I'll eventually get better. Don't yell at me because I got sick and my medicine could've been expensive... I didn't mean to.

Don't yell at me if you're angry at everything in general... I only asked if you wanted to see a movie I have on my laptop... Or if you wanted me to cook dinner tonight...

...I want to cry.

stress times are go

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