(no subject)

Oct 30, 2006 19:53

Hm...what can I write about...

Back to work today. Kicked off with an INSET, which comprised of Performance Management (yay for setting bullshit targets on pieces of paper which will clog up my already full 'draw o stuff I never read'), and also a rundown of the OFSTED report, in which we apparently have an overall 'good, with some outstanding features'. Not too bad then. Also had time to get myself organised regarding my AS Psych class for this half-term, which makes me feel a whole lot better. That is to say, I now know what I will be doing every lesson from now until Christmas with that class, though I still have to write the resources. Oh, and I organised the Zoo trip, which I know for a fact I am more excited about than any of the students. Yay!

The weekend was good but, as usual, strange in places. I also managed to give myself concussion, falling quite badly :( The funny this is, I didn't even realise I had done so until much later, and the way I fell was so funny that I couldn't actually bring myself to be all that concerned! Nor could Kas, who is still laughing at the image of me flying across the ice on my blade guards, spinning and flailing as I went. I've also torn something in my shoulder, which hurts quite a bit. I keep feeling nauseous and my head hurts (no shit given that I cracked it on the ice!), and I've felt just a little off balance. I am sure I am fine, but it will teach me not to be such a muppet. I'm just hoping to be back to normal by Thursday, as we are off the Blackburn and I need to practice my spin and my crossovers, otherwise the Russian will not be impressed. Having said that, the drinks on Saturday night might help relations somewhat ;)

Yesterday I did 5 miles on the cross trainer. I've done another 5 tonight. Tomorrow I am pushing for 10 but we will see, as my legs haven't had a rest since last week and they are not particularly happy about that. I however, am happy with my legs, as I can see them becoming so much nicer, more defined, solid and toned. It's amazing to watch how my shape is changing, slowly but surely as the skating gets more intense, the diet becomes far healthier and the level of physical activity increases (even outside of the skating).

Been trying to call someone for days and days but I think I am all but ready to give up. What's the point if they never answer their damn phone?! Really looking to Friday night and dinner and a movie with Dean. It is so amazingly good to have him back in my life on a more regular basis. Long may it continue! The weekend is fixing to be pretty outstanding...possibly the best so far. I am well excited! Tomorrow night I am off to the the Trafford Centre to see if I can't find myself something nice to wear. Incredibly (anyone who knows me will understand how novel this is for more) I am actually thinking about *shock horror* showing my legs on Saturday. This however, depends on whether I can find what I am looking for. It's debatable. Possible, but a long shot. Then I will be meeting Kas in our place. Wednesday I should be having a chilled night at home. Thursday will be mad busy. After school I am heading to Emma's to see the new arrival (Wade Sheil, a baby boy born two weeks ago!), then straight to rehearsals at Kas's place, followed by skating with her and Mike.

Well folks, I think that's about it. I need to email you Ash, I know. Sorry about the delay. You have been in my thoughts, as have you bindusara, and anyone else related in whatever way to Stef and Billy. They have been in my thoughts, as have you, and I hope that they are doing OK. Take care. x
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