I'm Back

Nov 01, 2004 20:30

So...how many people reading this thought I was dead? Better yet, who thought I bailed?

Anyway...first of, I want to say I'm sorry. 9 weeks without writing is crazy. Second, if I repeat anything from my last entry, I'm quite sorry. It's not my fault, I don't exactly remember EVERYTHING from two months ago.

Let's just start with the month of September.

1. AJ is in my Math class. Not only that he's in my second and third hour as well (Math is fourth) which would be Science and Social Studies.
2. I don't think this whole 'AJ' crush is even there anymore. It might be like...I only like him because I used to. Maybe.
3. Two new people joined my 'group' of friends. I'm proud to introduce Jacob and Jenny to my 'followers'. Maybe Blaze too. Anyway, they're both awesome people. Funny people too.
4. New 'crushes': Terrel W. and Derrick S. Hey, at least I'm not like gay or something right? (Don't get me wrong, I don't exactly hate gay people. They don't bother me, but I wouldn't be one).
5. About the second day of school I pulled a muscle in my thigh. Missed school and had a four day weekend because we had the next day off.
6. Fourth day off school: Was told I sound 'intelliegent' when I speak by my 5th hour teacher.

1. Joined Jazz Band on the Fourth
2. Spent three weeks changing ideas for costume from: Self Absorbed, Jack from Nightmere Before Christmas, Charlie Brown as the ghost with all the holes, 'Smart' Paris Hilton. Ended up being a dementor
3. Sprang ankle Halloween night (yesterday) by stepping on either a pine cone or a rock (Malissa says it was pine cone but it was dark, how would she know?). Came back to Malissa's house. Once mom picked me up, I couldn't even walk with out horribly limping. Ending up going to Mt. Clemen's General Hospital. Didn't break left foot but I now have an aircast and I take 600 mgs of ibuprofen every four hours. It hurts.
4. Had an awesome band concert. We rocked!

All right. I'd go crazy if I suddenly stopped seeing movies over the nine weeks. So my thoughts on....

Movies I saw in Theaters

1. Mr. 3,000: Awesome movie if you like arrogant, pricky retired baseball players. Or Bernie Mac.
2. The Grudge: Though a really...good movie, I screamed alot. I mean, like...I'm surprised I can still talk. Seriously. But it was good, except the plot. That was stupid.
3. Shark Tale: Okay. It was like....Finding Nemo meets Detroit or L.A.
4. Collateral: Awesome movie. I don't know when I saw this...but it was so good. Go Tom and Jamie!

Movies I saw on DVD/Tape/TV

1. Cat in the Hat: Awesome. I didn't think the humor that was there...would be there. Mike was good, as well as Dakota.
2. Halloweentown High (TV): If you like the Halloweentown movies like I do, you'd like it like I did.
3. Selena: I don't remember when Selena died, but I think J-Lo played an awesome Selena.
4. Alex and Emma: Luke and Kate gets props for a different and interesting movie.
5. Garfield: Bill Murray was just like the perfect voice.
6. The Day After Tomorrow: Okay plot line...it had holes in it but the special effects were awesome. Jake was a good Sam too.

Music was...involved over the two months. I mean, I think anyone who can spend nine weeks without music more than once a week is crazy. I have new favorite songs....say yay, it'll make me happy.

Pop: 'True' by Ryan Cabrera
'Punk': 'Welcome to My Life' by Simple Plan
Alt.: 'The Road I'm On' by 3 Doors Down
Country: 'Mr. Mom' by Lonestar
Rap: 'Just Lose It' by Eminem
R&B 'My Boo' by Usher w\ Alicia Keyes

Before I post this, I know Shadow Green started off in this journal. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, scroll down and find it. Anyway, because it was first posted here, I think I should pay it some respect and catch you all up on the chapters. And this story I'm working on now, it's not HP related. I'll post that too for you guys to....comment. Flame even.

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