Giles: * looks up from the punching bag* Hello, Rhiannon. Glad to see you. How is patrolling going?
Rhiannon: *puts her stuff down* Got two vamps last night, actually, on solo patrol.
Giles: *raises eyebrows* Glad to hear that. Perhaps with Mardi Gras and the insanity in this town you should patrol with one of the other Slayers?
Rhiannon: *looks up* Yeah, when we hit the parade the other day, we went in a group. This was cemetery patrol, though, so I didn't run into too much. I suppose that could be good luck.
Rhiannon: *stretches a bit*
Giles: *watching and evaluating his Slayer* Would you like a bit of sparring? I've just starting here.
Rhiannon: Sure thing *stretches a muscle in her back that's been paining her*
Rhiannon: Okay, I'm ready. *steps closer* What are we up to today?
Giles: What would you like to focus on? *moving to shift his balance* Street fighting? Boxing? Grappling?
Rhiannon: *thinks for a sec* I think street, maybe.
Street fighting?
Giles: *smiles slightly and throws a punch at her head, unexpectedly* Alright.
Rhiannon: *barely dodges and takes a step back to compensate* Yeah, I'd say that's street alright.
Giles: *grins and feints with his right, knowing most everyone forgot his was left handed* You're off balance. Jump back and land on your toes to recover faster
Giles: hi ya
Rhiannon: Rhiannon: *barely dodges and takes a step back to compensate* Yeah, I'd say that's street alright.
Rhiannon: *aims a blow towards Giles*
Giles: *blocks her blow with his right forearm and snaps his left towards her jaw*
Rhiannon: (sorry i didnt even know id gone offline)
Rhiannon: *bends downward to avoid the blow, kicking her leg back up in the air to try for a connect*
Giles: no worries
Giles: Whoa! *manages to step back, barely* Not bad. *follows through with a shot towards her ribs*
Rhiannon: *doesn't move away in time, and takes the shot to her ribs, sucking in her breath*
Rhiannon: Ouch... *touches her side, then shakes it off*
Giles: *moves back, watching for an opening* Need to focus on proper sleep and or diet? You're a little slow today, Rhiannon. Are you feeling alright?
Rhiannon: *rubs a hand across her eyebrow, frowning, obviously confused* No, I got sleep and food today.
Rhiannon: *attemps a roundhouse towards Giles*
Giles: *easily ducks the roundhouse and sweeps Rhiannon's legs from under her* Perhaps a couple of days of relaxing?
Rhiannon: *hits the ground hard, growing frustrated with herself*
Rhiannon: No time... it's Mardi Gras. And I was on last night.
Rhiannon: *kicks up and throws two punches in quick succession*
Giles: Not all creepy things wait for nightfall *Giles frowns, avoiding the blows* I should be the one on my arse by now.
Rhiannon: *looks at him, a bit hurt by his insinuations, and now fueled by anger, she throws all her strength into a kick towards his jaw*
Giles: *drops to the floor, holding his jaw but kicks out, catching her below the knee, sending her stumbling back* Anger gives you energy and speed, it also makes you careless. What is going on, Rhiannon?
Rhiannon: *meets his eyes and can't think of an excuse*
Rhiannon: I'm just off.
Rhiannon: Jesus.
Giles: *sits up and rubs his jaw, holding up his hand to stop the sparring* Let's grab something to drink, shall we? No interrogation, just general conversation.
Rhiannon: *climbs to her feet* Alright. I'm sorry.
Rhiannon: Just, I dunno, embarrassed.
Giles: *smiles gently* Everyone has off times, Rhiannon, I promise. Ask Buffy about my, how did she put it?, my slacker period. Let me go grab an icepack for the jaw and we'll just sit for awhile in the garden?
Rhiannon: Okay... Sorry about your jaw.
Giles: *chuckles* Hazards of the trade, no worries about it. *heads to grab an ice pack*
Rhiannon: *leans against the boxing ring, running a hand over her ribs, feeling slightly stunned*
Giles: *runs some cold water over the face and winces slightly at the ice pack* Are you alright? *asks upon returning*
Rhiannon: Mmhmm... Just took that hit harder than I expected.
Rhiannon: *doesn't meet his eyes*
Giles: *frowns* Anything we need to talk about? You know, I'm not as straight laced as the one-time tweed might suggest. Come on, grab a soda or something. We could both use the sun.
Rhiannon: *walks to the desk and grabs a coke*
Giles: You want me to check those ribs? *suggests softly* Or just meet me outside?
Rhiannon: No! I'm sure they're fine *smiles hesitantly*
Giles: *nods, apparently unconcerned* I don't hit as hard as a Slayer. Are you settling in here alright or still feel as off balance as the rest of us at times? *motions towards the garden direction*
Rhiannon: *walks along with him* Well, I'm doing pretty well. This month marks... *counts to herself* six months I've been here. When Buffy put me in charge of organizing patrol groups, I was really flattered.
Rhiannon: *shrugs*
Rhiannon: Maybe I'm coming down with something. I got a little stressed this month.
Giles: *nods, encouraging her to talk* You've done well. Anything you'd like to talk about?
Rhiannon: I think this last blow, with Fiona, just really knocked me off my feet.
Rhiannon: I thought the worst thing that could possible happen to me was staking Kennedy.
Rhiannon: But somehow this feels worse. She was my friend...
Giles: *sighs softly as they step into the garden* Yes, it's... it never gets easier. The pain eases but never really goes away. Do you need locked in the gym and pound the daylights out everything?
Rhiannon: *smiles* I think that's been patrol lately.
Rhiannon: I'll admit that I've been a little more aggressive with the vamps.
Rhiannon: If that makes sense.
Rhiannon: But vamps didn't kill Fiona.
Giles: Yes, it does. Very much so and its quite common. *picks a bench to sit down* You're angry and its senseless so there's no one to blame. You need some way to get that energy out. Just... try and focus that on sparring and practice, not in the field. Anger gets you and others killed.
Rhiannon: I try, sometimes, to be really emotionless about killing.
Rhiannon: I always think about the person they were before... I know they aren't there anymore, but it's sad.
Giles: *frowns and shakes head* Does that happen during the slaying or after?
Rhiannon: Before I came here, well before I was called really, I was pretty different.
Giles: How so? *leans back and lets the sun shine on his face*
Rhiannon: Umm... pretty dependent *takes a sip of her drink*
Rhiannon: Most people don't know about my ex, Nevin. He was controlling, and I liked it.
Rhiannon: I wanted him to tell me what to do, and I wanted to please him.
Rhiannon: And I was so sensitive too, maybe caring too much about everything.
Giles: Ah *smiles slightly* I, uh, can understand that a bit. Takes responsibility away for everything except pleasing them, eh?
Rhiannon: Yeah, and not to be typical, but I didn't have much in the way of a dad.
Rhiannon: So Nevin, his approval, was everything to me.
Giles: *nods* And then your world turned upside down?
Rhiannon: Well, it was already pretty disasterous. Nevin wasn't the best influence. But when I was called, dad thought I was crazy.
Rhiannon: Nevin couldn't take the way I was so independent all the sudden.
Rhiannon: So while I'm growing in that respect *thinks for a second* I guess I've got some of that ultra-sensitive vibe left over.
Rhiannon: Trouble letting go of the past.
Giles: That's not a fault, *says slowly* If it causes you to hesitate during a slaying, then it's a problem. As for letting go of the past... that's never easy. I'm still paying for some of mine, you know. You're doing much better than I did.
Rhiannon: *looks down*
Rhiannon: Yeah...
Rhiannon: Maybe so.
Rhiannon: Sometimes I get a little... over-driven.
Rhiannon: I try so hard to be the best I can at this because it's what gave me independence and self-esteem. I want to be a machine so I don't get caught up in emotional tangles. *laughs a bit ruefully* The girls pick on me because I work out so much.
Giles: *sits up* Rhiannon, I was an idiot and then I swung the other way and become so dedicated I lost myself in the process. From sex, drugs and rock n roll to tweed, no feelings, and University. Perhaps talking with Mycroft might help or more long conversations with me?
Giles: *smiles* Being a machine won't help. I'm not sure any Slayer has found the right balance between lack of emotions to being over-emotional, not even Buffy.
Rhiannon: *shivers at the mention of Mycroft* I dunno about Mycroft.
Giles: *shrugs, as if unconcerned again* No worries, besides, you're my Slayer so I want more time with you.
Rhiannon: *smiles*
Rhiannon: I'm not much for shrinks.
Giles: *chuckles* I can understand that very much. I hate 'em growing up and at the Council. I'd rather go for a long ride on a motorbike than talk to one of them for an hour a week.
Rhiannon: My dad put me in the hospital after I got called.
Giles: So did mine *says softly* After my life fell apart actually. I tried to run from my calling and got into trouble.
Rhiannon: *nods* I had the dreams.
Rhiannon: I guess he thought that made me nuts.
Rhiannon: Ever since, they give me the creeps.
Rhiannon: (sorry my conversation is rambling, people keep interrupting me!)
Giles: Me too. Mycroft, well, his approach was to get me soused and pick a fight with me. *laughs and stretches*
Rhiannon: *looks up at the sun*
Giles: I'm not sure how to help sometimes. Extreme emotions are dangerous for a Slayer, no emotions are worse. You do understand that everything will seem more intense now, eh? The feelings, the... uh, relationships, the highs and lows.
Rhiannon: *thinks about that* Really?
Rhiannon: I mean, I know about the physical stuff, the senses...
Rhiannon: I guess I didn't think about feelings or relationships.
Giles: Of course, it's... amplified *smiles softly* You were called at an early age, told that you'll probably die young and don't have a choice. Makes things...sharper.
Rhiannon: *nods, then smiles* Yeah... but I plan to live to the ripe old age of thirty.
Giles: Excellent choice *grins* Perhaps things can slow down and not be as intense. Rhiannon, I truly don't know a lot about your past and I'm sorry we haven't discussed it. I will tell you, that intensity can... hurt a lot. Sometimes we really enjoy it, the power, the focus, the dedication. Other times you'd do anything to escape from it. Mine was drugs, alcohol, sex and the wrong kind of magic and I'm not a Slayer, only destined to be a Watcher.
Rhiannon: *nods, hesitating, trying to decide how much she can say*
Rhiannon: *she wonders if he can see through her*
Rhiannon: When.... when I was at home, there was a lot of some of those things. Sex... even drugs.
Rhiannon: *rolls up her sleeve to show him her scars on the inner elbow*
Giles: What was your choice of painkiller? Mine was sex, drugs and magic all combined.
Rhiannon: *flushing a bit* Um... painful sex combined with very hard drugs.
Giles: Remember when I said I understood about control? I was the one in control and it was... painful sex after a bashing, usually. *glances over at her* I'm not shocked, luv.
Rhiannon: *shakes her head a bit* You british people don't shock easily.
Rhiannon: I was... pretty submissive. Which is weird, when I think about it now.
Giles: *chuckles* and I was the control freak and turned into a wimp, I believe Buffy termed it. Opposites, yes? How do you feel now? Do you miss it or want to kill that sharpness?
Rhiannon: I don't miss it. It's just... sometimes it's tough not to resort to old methods of killing emotional pain.
Giles: I understand. My ribs are still tender from the last bar fight I got into *grins ruefully* I sometimes slip. Will you let me know if you're tempted to the drugs or dangerous sex?
Rhiannon: *feels her arms and legs tingle a bit*
Rhiannon: Um, yeah.
Rhiannon: *nods*
Giles: We need to trust each other, Rhiannon *says softly* Give it some thought. I think we can probably find a way to distract that pain and work off energy and it won't include sex. Buffy would kill us. *grins*
Rhiannon: *stares then laughs out loud*
Rhiannon: Okay...*nods* And I think I'll stay in tonight. It's a big day, but I'm clearly not in top form.
Giles: I think that's a good idea. I'm afraid a stack of evil paperwork still waits for me. *smiles an impish grin* I think I'd rather face a demon.
Rhiannon: You and me both. *stands up* Thanks for the talk. Buffy was right... It's good to work with other watchers. You're um... very different from her style.
Rhiannon: *small smile*
Giles: Thank you, I think. Go relax for once. *stretches in the sun* I think I'll avoid the paperwork for another five minutes.
Rhiannon: Okay... * walks away, her legs a bit like Jell-O, worrying that he can see straight through her*
Giles: *watches her thoughtfully* there's more there than she's saying *he mutters to himself*