Speech Day 2006

Jun 29, 2006 19:47

Well as you can probably guess from the heading, today was speech day. The day in the school year when the entire school - apart from the lucky people who managed to find an excuse to get out of it - has to sit in a boiling hot marquee, listen to whatever performance the music department organises, sing a hymn plus the national anthem, and listen to a whole bunch of speeches, hence the name speech day.

The marquee was bigger than last year's, because last time it was hard for the teachers to squish everyone in. Just like last year, I was at the back; unlike last year, I could not see a single thing. Lady Smith couldn't make it this year, so we had to listen to the vice chairman, and from our position at the back, it was impossible to hear a word she said, despite her microphone. The guest speaker was French (I think) so he was hard to hear from the back due his accent, but what I did hear sounded good; the student speaker was just as brilliant as last year's and kept making references to the wizard of Oz.

Watching school come to an end for so many people is making me wonder what it will be like when my time comes. Will we have the same hymn, or will we choose a different one? Who will get the prizes and who will speak? Will we manage to convince them to let us sing 'O Flower of Scotland' instead of 'God Save the Queen'? I hope I get into a good university, I hope I get in to a university, and although it's unlikely, ideally I would like to get an unconditional offer. What will I wear? Will I even be present at my speech day, or will Mrs Mackie be saying 'in absentia' when she calls out my name? So many questions, none of them will be answered till the time comes, but I can still wonder about the answers until then.

Enough of my reflective ramblings (ooh alliteration! lol), tomorrow is the last day of term, and Miss Dunham's last day as our form teacher :( Meh, life's not fair! Ce n'est pas juste! Das ist nicht fair! The year has gone by far too quickly, it seems only yesterday that I was comparing time tables with my friends and moaning about having Mrs. Traynor for German yet again -although I'm still moaning about that. Speaking of which she threw a bit of a hissy fit today when I said that Dresden was a 'stupid boring film!' which it is, when you don't understand  a single word of it anyway. She tried to act like she was all reasonable and said if I wanted to I could go and read at the back of the classroom or go on the computer, so long as it was german. I went on the computer and played on linguascope, which after an entire double period does get boring.

In Biology we had a quiz, and the other team gave us ridiculous questions which we couldn't possibly know the answers to, so we gave them sightly less ridiculous questions. It was a draw and photosynthyus won, because they could name more bands who were playing in T in the park than we could, which is pretty stupid if you ask me. In Geography we finally got to see the end of 'The Notebook' and it was so sad I cried! Then we went outside and watched a tennis championship match between Mel and someone called Hannah.

All in all it's been a good last full day of term,
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