Feb 24, 2006 22:00
*Yawns* as always I am very tired, but bed is not far off. I spent the last hour or so fiddling around with my new picture on paint, at first I couldn't get it the way I wanted and then live journal decided to be a pixel nazi and even though my picture was only a few pixels too big it still wouldn't let me upload it. I really wish I could make animated icons, but I don't have the right software :(
Today was our yeargroup reading comprehension, or at least it was supposed to be a yeargroup one but Lucy's class had been missing their teacher the previous lesson or something so they don't have to do it till Tuesday. That is not fair, we hadn't had Mrs. Forbes for over a week's worth of English lessons until last Tuesday or something, (I still have the short term memory of a goldfish) and we still had to do it today. I got a huge mindblock for the first ten minutes and so I only had two minutes to do the last page.
Maths was not so good again because of the seating plan, I like sitting next to Dasha and Alice it's just they don't seem to do much other than concentrate on their work, and being in the front row isn't exactly great. French was ok, I made a mini chinese lantern out of spare paper but I think it got a bit crushed in my bag. We also did more of the annoying sheet, so it wasn't very interesting. Latin was ok, we finished the homework questions, finished translating the passage and played two games on the board. The first was filling in the qui, quae, quod table and surprisingly I managed to remember quite a few. The second was the usual one, using 'to go' and 'to be' Hannah only beat me on one :P
Lucy caught the bus with Josephine so I walked with them as far as lower school and then went to the science labs where I played with springs and the greenfill stuff and watched Miss Nicholson and the Physics student teacher fiddle with testubes and water, trying to make a sound. My Music lesson was ok, Mr. Long said that my vibrato was improving but that I needed to spend more time on the slidy exercise again, I will never get the hand of vibrato! I also started a new piece called 'Watkins Ale' it is ok and Mr. Long said that if I wanted to depending on how good it is I could do that instead of 'Rigaduona and Trio' which is two pages as opposed to one. I like 'Rigaduon and Trio'! :( At lunch Puzzles club wasn't on because Miss Hamilton was off, so I went and finished 'The Garnet Snitch' then I tried to write something but Mairi said it was too obvious and she would do it instead :(
At Gran and Grandad's we had Chicken and Potato wedges (the latter made by Gran and Finlay) Stuart wasn't there because he had Mike over. Finlay and I had another argument about the Suffragettes, I think it's ridiculous that neither he or Stuart had any idea who the suffragettes were until I told them. It's an important part of British history! They however still fail to see the importance of the suffragette movement, sexists! When I got home I managed to manouvre my laptop so I can have homework on the desk and my laptop at the same time, having my laptop on my desk is no longer a detterent for doint homework :D I should go to sleep now seeing as how it's rather late, lol.